I Love a JW

by stefanieroe 16 Replies latest social relationships

  • mouthy

    I was in the religion for over 20 years ...Run!! dont walk !!!!away from this wonderful guy- I have a support group for folks who leave the organization. & for those who have family in the organization...He may care for you enough to even marry you( which I doubt) but AFTER the marriage he will want you to go with him to all the "goings on" for the Watchtower. If you are a Christian why are you interested.???? We are warned to marry only in the LORD-His Lord is the WTower. & Jesus is Michael the Ark Angel.PLEASE,PLEASE get to KNOW what this guy has to do ......to serve man!!!!!

  • Farkel

    : I Love a JW



  • Realist


    please do NOT assume that this religion won't be a problem in the future and that you can work around it!!! it will be a HUGE PROBLEM in case he really believes in the WT. PLEASE check out how strongly he believes in the WT and if he would perhaps leave that church. check this out before you really fall in love with him.

    i made the mistake to think that the religion won't effect us and that my girlfriend would be intelligent enough to realize the WT is not god's channel....but she didn't wake up and we both suffered a great deal.

    wish you the very best and marry christms too!


  • JPM

    <P>interesting....</P> <P>i'm not really good at english, but i'd like to share this to you Steph..</P> <P>I never knew about this whole JW thing til i met her at our Uni year. She's a very talented, cute and lovely girl i've ever met to this day. We're started out as best friend, so she told me about her family, JW and all. I don't mind though, cos theres no persuation and her family was (and still ) very nice to me. ;So we soon in love with each other, deeply. I was hoping she's the one i'd marry someday, and so was she. </P> <P>But til one day she phoned me and end our relationship. Without tell me why...she never give me the chance to ask, to see her..or even to say hi! It's just that i never end my relationship like this before. My exes and i still friends, one of them even my trusted friend.</P> <P>I get so confused, and terribly hurt....but til i enter your forum... What you guys say are pretty much true to me!</P> <P>I know i don't have the right to judge any religion. But trust me, Steph, you can't have any expectations or certainity towards the relationship. It's just gonna cause you hurt...(strange hurt, if you know what i mean..)</P> <P>Please think about it!!!! ;</P>
    you know what?? after reading those comments i probably know why she ended it.. Maybe because we kiss and stuff...hehehe.. but she liked it, it's not fair!!!
  • jgnat

    JPM, you are a pretty sharp dude to pick up on what we are warning poor Steph about. As much as your girl might have cared for you, at one point she had to pick her religion or you. And guess who she picked.

    You must be a pretty reasonable guy to stay friends with your ex's. Kudos to you.

  • pr_capone

    Hi Steph and welcome to the forum. I was in a very similar situation as you are now, with the exception that I was the guy who was a witness and a girl (much like yourself) really liked me. I wouldnt talk about the religion while we were together simply because I knw that would be a point of contention and I was happy just spending time with her. In the end we broke up because neither of us could deal with the enourmous pressure that was put on to us by the witnesses, despite how much in love we were. If you want the full story go to this link. You can email me as well if there is anything I can do for you or any questions I can answer.

    http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.aspx?id=43353&site=3 <--- My Story

  • raistlin_majere

    Why would you want to do that to yourself?

    You would have to give up everything you are and become something else. That something else is not nice and pretty and you will suffer more guilt than a Catholic girl caught kissing a boy in the rectory.

    If you want the boy and you were meant for each other. Get him to drop his religon. You will find that the religion, and the psuedospirituality that accompanies it, is more important to them than a meaningful relationship. You will want sex but you had better get used to the idea of never going beyond missionary and a two minit man. Sex toys, pr0n, oral sex, all are "no go"s. They may be nice and well mannered on the exterior but inside houses a group of confused people under the mandates of a committee of old men that make all you descisions for you.

    He may be "nice". Think Nazis without the power to kill people. Oh wait...

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