Now that I am DA'ed.....

by Lapuce 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Scarlet

    Congratulations Lapuce!!!!! You have done something that I am not able to do yet. I have 2 1/2 years before I can send in that letter. I have to wait for my sister to turn 18. I know that will be a truly joyus day. I am truly happy that you are able to put this behind you.

  • kelpie


    You will always have plenty of friends here!!!!

  • jurs



    A little pat on the back for ya!!!

    Welcome to your sweet new life of freedom!!!! Tuesday and thursday evenings as well as sundays will feel oh so good!!!


  • Skeptic
    Ok so its hard, no firends, well at least I do have a few here

    What part of Canada are you from? I live in B.C.


  • CC Ryder
    CC Ryder

    Lapuce, glad to hear that your taking a stand in what your heart is telling you. My wife (Tinkerbell) and I both left together and we were both in agreement 100% that we were leaving a Cult and entering into freedom. I can't imagine how you feel not having your wife on your side. I hope things work out for the best. I've read about some here on the forum who left without their mates and later on they were joined by them, so keep your chin up and stick to your guns. You have plenty of people here to vent too. Welcome!


  • imanaliento

    congratulations on coming forward and taking a stand. it's something my husband and I had to do, an elder had once asked him (my hubby) why he had to argue every point when he was studying, the elder said if 99% of what I say is the truth then the next thing I say has to be the truth. Bad Jerry then said, if I find 1% of what you say to be a lie then every other thing becomes a lie. We had found that 1% this year and left.

    I truly hope things work out for you, especially for the boys, try to be as civil as you can, when speaking to their mother or about their mother. Cheers to You !!



    Congratulations!!!!!! Hang in there. There are some "GREAT" X~JW's there in Canada who can give you friendship and support. There are plenty of us here on the board also who would be happy to lend an ear if you need a friend. Just an e-mail away!! Again, Congratulations. And LAP,MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!

  • Lapuce

    Thank you all for the support and encouragements that you all gave me... The last few days have been quite rocky, but with my first christmas and all the friends here I feel much better.

    Skeptic: I live in Quebec, Mascouche to be exact, a town north east of Montreal 30K,s away.


  • LB

    Lapuce keep yourself as busy as can be. I'm curious as to what things you may try now that you're out.

  • SheilaM


    Just to clarify in my post I said I never thought my hubbie would leave. I didn't mean me I meant the Dubs and he did leave them and is still with me! SO you never know what good can come out of DA

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