As long as ignorance and fear can be exploited, the WTBTS will exist.
The question I keep coming back to is, how do they survive without a scheme of
coherent doctrine? No one seems to be in charge of Witness 'theology'. Nor do I see
how their teachings can be rescued or updated to conform with reality - without
blurring their identity - and obscuring their survival.
While you can likely go on indefinitely in local congregations because of Witness
ignorance and willing suspension of reason, I'm not so sure you can do this with the
leadership. Communism fell largely because the nomenklatura ( the upper class of
bureaucrats and commissars) lost faith in the system. I don't see that the Watchtower
is much different.
This means that:
in relative terms, average Witnesses must deepen their ignorance and isolation
("dumber and crazier") - and -
discerning, idealistic leaders must be driven out - or suffer endless frustration
with a rule bound reign of Pharisees - and-
be replaced with men who are either unthinking (mostly ineffective) or cold-
hearted cynics, purely out for themselves.
I judge that these tendencies are already well developed - and that they will deepen
and intensify.
Add on the declining contributions and exodus of Witness youth, and things look
pretty sad.
What would it be like if an organization could become senescent and senile?
Stick around and find out.