How Much Longer Can The WBTS Survive?

by SpannerintheWorks 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nickey

    Puh----leeeeeeze! Over 200 plus bookmarked. I did what your lazy behind refused to do... you got your answer whether here or there. You don't like it?

    Call the number. *grins*

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    lefty ; go get a history book . i have read a couple of popes were thrown out by the bishops that would qualify as a coup.. or a take over , i will not look it up for you as i just want to beat you over the head with facts about your god in brooklyn, that you seem to worship so much

  • Lefty


    I really appreciate that you finally decided to use a little punctuation in your posts now, as it has been a real pain trying to get through your posts. I wish you would widen out a bit now and learn how to operate the key on your keyboard that makes paragraphs possible. You keep making progress like that and I'll have to reconsider my present view of you, namely that you're just a lazy-ass jerk that doesn't even respect his own writings enough to go to the trouble to make his message clear and understandable. I'll tell you what, Johnny, if you try harder then I won't go though with my plans of activating the little minus sign next to your screen name. I'm already fighting the tendency to do that anyway, because I'm really getting tired of your high and mighty attitude as well. Be a good boy now, and be a man.



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