Not intrested in Christmas

by sleepy 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sentinel


    We are probably in the minority, but I tend to feel much as you do. Sure, it's wonderful to get together with family and dear friends, and eat together, and watch TV together, and have that big turkey or ham.

    But, in reality, all the "gift giving" of "things" is usually highly overrated. People "feel" like they are obligated to buy, or make stuff for some people they don't even know that well--but, they would never say it. We humans get so embarrassed when we don't "fit in".

    Maybe my vision is distorted by my own personal experiences in youth, before the JW experience, and during the JW experience, when I thought I was missing out. I just tend to feel that the majority of society is very much manipulated. We are like drones, prodding along, buying things we are told will make us happy. Then, poof, in one day, it's all gone anyway....

    There is so much more to true gift-giving and sharing. When those gifts are given, they last a lifetime and never wear out, and they cost nothing material. Some people do know this, and they try their best to make it the "old-fashioned" kind of holiday. I admire that. As rich as our society is, there are still so many poor people. We just can't cover that up with wrapping paper, bows and ribbons.

  • TR

    'Hovahs and even X 'hovahs that were brought up as 'hovahs and never had Christmas fail to understand the cultural and traditional value of the holidays.


  • IslandWoman


    I agree with Susan, great attitude. If more people thought that way there would be more peace in the world. Religiously free to be you and free to be me, with no stone throwing! Beautiful.



  • animal

    My wife knows that I have no clue how to do xmas, and really dont want to learn. She does it all, including buying her own gift and putting my name on it. The holiday is for the kids, not for us. We enjoy it that way too.


  • Undecided

    This year Christmas has been a real burden on my wife's family and us. We are all out of work or in financial trouble of some sort. We will enjoy tonight though, my family will all come over for dinner and present exchanges. As for me, I feel a lot like sleepy, it's mostly commercialism and hype. I enjoy the get together but it would be just as much fun without the Christmas stigma. As some have said though, it's a matter of attitude I guess and I haven't been in a happy mood lately. I've got to work on that and try to get back to my old self.

    Merry Christmas to you all.

    I'm looking forward to tonight and will take pictures to remember it by.

    Ken P.

  • PurpleV

    I like giving and getting presents. They don't have to be expensive, but it's fun to tear off wrapping paper and watch other people's faces as they tear off their wrapping paper and see a present. I don't buy for the sake of buying, I try to choose stuff people would really like. It's a nice feeling.

    Sure, there's commercialism, and some people take to extremes. And yes, there are some people I have to buy for because of family political reasons, and yes that sucks. But it doesn't ruin it for me. I make lemonade out of that lemon by trying to find meaningful gifts instead of wrapping up a generic picture frame.

    As a raised-JW I like Christmas, I feel like a little kid and so glad I don't have to PRETEND to not want Christmas like I did as a little girl. "Oh no, I don't mind not getting presents, or having a tree. I don't mind standing out not making Christmas cards in art class. I don't mind not being able to hum along at pretty carols. I REALLY don't mind going out door-to-door on Christmas morning and freezing my little skirt-clad butt off while peeking through doors and seeing trees and lights and music and smelling turkey and cinnamon."


    Merry Christmas to all

    Hugs, V

  • ThiChi

    I have to admit, I dont celebrate X-mass either. Dont get me wrong, I now believe it is a personal Christian decision. However, I wonder, if I am still in the clutches of the WT regarding some of my thinking........

  • Oreopandabear


    Awesome post! I do not have Christmas memories, but what you described are the memories I am creating for my children. At our home, Jesus is the Reason for the Season.

    Merry Christmas,


  • happyout

    I like the holidays. Having the internal strength to leave the organisation means I also have the strength to make holidays into what I want them to be. I like "rituals" which include decorating the house, singing holiday songs, and spending family time together. I also decided a long time ago that I would not let commercialism invade the holidays, so my son only gets two gifts from Mommy and Daddy. That way, we can focus on what's more important. As for "political" or "obligation" gifts, yes, I buy them for my mother in law, but I also buy her birthday gifts and such, so it's not just because of Christmas. We also celebrate Kwanzaa, which includes giving gifts that you have made yourself, which further discourages a materialistic bent. I understand why someone would think Christmas has been commercialized, but I think that's only if you let it. Life is always what you make of it.

  • mouthy

    >>>>>Animal!!! I want to remind you. ME<<<<< Mouthy thinks you should buy your wifey a gift & surprise her with your love--Stop this nonsense it is just for the kids.!!!! Wives like to think hubby loves em enough to give a gift... I am warning you animal!!!! YOU will not survive at Armeggedon if you dont change.. YA HEAR??????( Imagine she bought a gift that was supposed to be from you & put your name on it>>> What did your last servant die of ????

    But thanks for the help in Chat today ((((hug)))

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