I haven't seen or spoken with my father or my sisters in over 10 years. Hopefully, if God is good, I will never have to lay eyes on them again. They are the classic dysfunctional incestuous family. I've told my children as much as they want to know (good and bad), but they've never expressed any desire to see or talk with them. My daughter saw my father once at a Memorial a few years ago. Her reaction was, "He's a lot smaller than I thought he'd be." Sort of describes my dad.
The bond between me and my parents was broken nearly 40 years ago. I didn't do it. They did. They literally didn't care if I lived or died. Oh they'd put on a big act in front of the brothers and sisters at the hall, but behind closed doors I knew what they were. I used to wonder if I would be the same type of parent if and when I had children. Now I know.
I work at night. When I come home every night, I go upstairs and look in on my children. I watch them sleep peacefully, quietly and safely. Until very recently I would awaken immediately and somewhat alarmed if someone stood at my bedroom dooway. My children don't. I can stand there and they don't stir; they dream peaceful dreams and rest. I never could because I had to be prepared to fight. They don't.
Today was our family's tradition. It's the after Christmas sales. We give our kids $100 each and they can buy whatever they want. We go as a family and everyone is interested in what the other got. We're all excited and happy for each other. And then we go home and put it together, wrestle wtih it, and then play with it. In my childhood there was nothing remotely like this.
I can't imagine my children ever doing something so hideous that I would cut them out of my life. If they were a criminal, and I knew it, I would turn them in. I would be at their trial and I would visit them in prison. But I would never cut them off. If they cut me out of their life, so be it. But I know what that feels like and it creates a hardness inside. You tend to look at people as being temporary. You always hold something back since you know they're going to leave one day. Call me a bleeding heart liberal pinko commie, but I just can't do to my kids what was done to me.
I just can't.