The Service Meeting tonight, centered on how Jehovah God cares about numbers. Numbers are even recorded in the Bible! Yes, numbers mean a lot to Jehovah God. If we want to show appreciation for all that Jehovah God's organization does for us, we too should be concerned about numbers. How can we show Jehovah God that we care about how He feels? ....By turning in accurate reports. You see, Jehovah God really cares about this. Turning in an accurate report is encouraging, too! And if we personally turn our report to the Congregation Book Study OVERSEER, he can observe right then and there, where you have weaknesses in the ministry and he might even want to work out in the field with you! But what if you don't know exactly how to count time for Jehovah God? What if you don't know how to properly fill in a time slip or Bible study report for Him?.....The Congregation Service Commitee can actually help you out. What another manifestation of Jehovah God's wonderful loving-kindness......So, don't forget to please Jehovah God and turn in an accurate report to Him.
Show Appreciation To Jehovah By Counting Time!
by minimus 21 Replies latest jw friends
*excusing myself to the ladies room to puke*
Big Tex
Didn't King David bring a plague on Israel for authorizing a census of the nation? So I guess what we learn is that Jehovah cares about some numbers, but not others.
And how many hours did the Apostles work? Did they count their return visits? How did they count not at homes? And what presentation did they use for that month's book? I'm so glad Jehovah included this important information in the Bible for us to use today! Otherwise we might just not keep track. Wouldn't that be just awful.
My favorite numbers are the ones you roll and smoke!!
Does the Society want accurate reports on how I spent most of my time going from laundry
room to laundry room and taking breaks at McDonald's?
refiners fire
Well of course every good apostate knows that when Freddie Franz got up to tell us all the reason why Armaggedon wouldnt happen in 1975 (The time lapse between the creation of Adam and the creation of Eve) The very next talk on the program was delivered by Uncle Nate Himself and was concerned with Numerological increase.The talk demonstrated that there had been massive increase in membership since the 75 prediction was first uttered. I guess God does indeed LOVE numbers, provided they are INCREASING.
Edited by - refiners fire on 26 December 2002 23:36:49
Great post Minimus. It looks like the Jehovah of the Watch Tower is very limited in his ability to oversee the JWs if he needs written reports submitted. I always thought that God was all seeing, that he would know how much time each JW was spending Evangelizing without the need of written documents. But I guess I was wrong. So please JWs fill out your timeslips properly because that is the only way Jehovah will know the spiritual health of the Watch Tower organization.
My husband says the service meeting consisted of:
Announcements--be sure to turn your time in
Special Needs--be sure to turn your time in
Last Part--be sure to turn your time in
looks like they are reeeeeeeealy wanting to get the status up.