new guy on the board

by pr_capone 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • mouthy

    Hi Eric ...Greetings from Canada. Pull up a chair & join in the flow. This is a site for UNconditonal LOVE----I was in the conditional love to long ((((hug))) I am the Granny on board -they tolerate my comments. They sometimes tick me off-but mostly love me....


  • JT

    22yrs old and getting out of WT- Man that must be the life- i will be 40 in 2 weeks- only if i knew what you know now- at 22 i was sitting at Bethel wasting my life

  • blondie

    Hi, Eric. Welcome. How long did you lurk and what made you decide to post? I look forward to your viewpoints. I am in the fade mode myself. I wonder if the new program by the WTS to find the inactive will affect us in the next 3 months? What made you decide to stop going?

    Blondie(inquiring minds want to know)

  • pr_capone

    Ok, I was going to go to bed but I will be honest.... I cant sleep. I dont remember the last time that I was this excited over something I found on the internet. Come to think of it.... its been quite a while since I have been this excited so no sleep for me.

    Blondie : I did no lurking at all. I found the site at about 1:30 A.M. this morning. Checked it out (read some posts) to see what this was about. If it had been just a flame forum agains the dubs I probably would not have joined. But everyone here seems to be bery sincere about their experiances and well.... its not a flame forum. As to what made me decide to post was the fact that I have been starving for conversation and friends who are in the same situation as I am. I am by no means a shy person so I just jumped in feet first.

    As to the new program (which I know nothing of so if you have some info, please share), I'm not worried. If anyone wants to track me down, they are more than welcome to do so. They will not be very pleased with the reception they get though. As to what made me stop going??? I will be adding another post here within a few hours with details. I have never put what all I have gone through down on paper so I have to decide what to write on first.

  • bittersweet

    Welcome Eric!

    Glad you decided to post and introduce yourself.I am impressed that you have already decided to leave,at age 22.I wasn't brave enough til I was 29.Baptised at age 11,YIKES!I waited til I was 15,lol.

    I am in the same boat as you.Not disfellowshipped or disassociated,just slowly faded away.It is a great feeling to free yourself from this religion.I look foward to reading your future posts.

    Take care,Charlene

  • blondie

    This was announced to the elders at the most recent elders school this fall. A 3-month program from January to March 2003, the elders will be systematically calling on all the inactive ones with a view to getting them to come back to the KH (other motives have been suggested here). The 2-1-03 WT study articles are centered around inactive and how to view them. I think many are leaving and the WTS is trying to plug the leaks.


  • Windchaser

    Welcome, Eric!!!

    I walked away five years ago and was very lonely until I came to boards like this one. May you find friends and peace here!



  • Shakita

    Welcome Eric:

    I am surprised you were baptized so young! In our area, they frown on letting kids that young take the plunge! You most have been a most impressive study

    You are only 22 years old, you have the rest of your life ahead of you. You are one of the lucky ones that saw the truth for what it is before half your life was wasted away being a salesman for a very wealthy publishing company that masquerades as a religion.

    I wish you the best in your new freedom and look forward to hearing more of your story.

    Mrs. Shakita

  • no one
    no one

    Welcome to OZ!!!! Won't be long before you realize you're not in Kansas any more.

  • Wolfy

    Welcome to the board! Looking forwards to hearing your story.


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