The World's First Human Clone
by OrbitingTheSun 11 Replies latest jw friends
She did not present DNA evidence showing a genetic match between mother and daughter however. That omission leaves her claim scientifically unsupported.
Why not??
But Ms Boisselier - who identifies herself as a "bishop" of the Raelian sect which believes humans were created by extraterrestrials by cloning - wouldn't say where the child was born.
It will be interesting if the cloned babies will end up with the same negative genetic traits like cloned animals, like advanced speeded up aging.
Where this is all going is interesting, to say the least. I foresee where they begin breeding human clones without brains so they can harvest them for needed body parts. Where there's a market, there's a way.
Now I'm getting suspicious, isn't there a post already about this? Hmmmm...could THIS post be a CLONE of THAT post???
Be very afraid.
Oops! I didn't even see that thread...I have a strange suspicion, too D8TA...Have I been drawn into the scheme of some omnipotent Evil Genius? Please forgive me, I know not what I do...
Please forgive me, (for) I know not what I do...
Yeah, I like David Gray, too!
Where this is all going is interesting, to say the least. I foresee where they begin breeding human clones without brains so they can harvest them for needed body parts. Where there's a market, there's a way.
i agree- once the horse is out of the barn there is nothing that you can do but try to CONTROL it in some reasonable fashion,
it is much like Nuclear weapons- since WWII it has not been an issue can we make them but how can we control them
same with cloning since the sheep cloning - it no longer is can we do it, but how do we control it in a responsible way-
as i have stated on another thread, this type of advancement in science literally scares the sh!t out of believers due to it attacking their core belief system
that man must depend on a higher life "A DIVINE ONE" to survive
it reminds me of what we have seen with other belief systems- the catholic church "THE POPE"gave a man the SHAFT cause he said the earth revolved around the sun
IN africa the old "WITCH DR" used to scare the hell out of folks by mixing some potions and putting it on folks and they got sick and died-
then some young folks left the village -got some education in medicine and science came back to the village and showed everyone how the guy was just making RAT POISON and that was why folks died
next week the witch dr was out of biz
same with the indians , it would thunder and lightning and the "MEDICINE MAN" would tell them
they have PISSED off the gods for not offering up enough gold to the high priest medcine man
once again the young folks got some education came back and explained to everyone how the ions and pressure in the atmosphere and temperature hot and cold air, etc causes it to thunder and lighten- next week the damn medicine man is out of job
now we are seeing the
"Priest, Preacher , pastor" have for years told folks and scared the hell out of folks about what god is going to do to folks like these doctors-
and once again young folks will go to school learn the ins and outs of DNA and in 20yr or so they will be doing this at Walmart and once again we will see the "Priest, Pastor, Bishop, TD JAKES, etc" out of biz
you got to love religion, the most important tools that belief system/ religions have used over the centuries has been the following two
and with those 2 tools in hand belief systems around the world have been able to control and mold and shape the minds of billions
that is why Lady "C" and I MUST start us a new Religion,
damn i could make a ton of money i bet
Boy ooooh boy. I try to think of myself as open minded, however this area of science really gives me the creeps. I really dont know what to think at this point. I see the potential for harm, based on humankinds history of actions..........
Just what we need is a whacko UFO cult cloning people. Are they that desparate for members? Don't they know how to knock on doors?