What is the worst.....?

by teenyuck 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • TR

    How 'bout "crackwhore".


  • ballistic

    Spanner in the works: did you know I used that icon for about 6 months for my identity picture prior to the matrix code one I had?

  • SheilaM

    Why would you be wanting to talk to my Mother in law LOL (even her children agree)


  • meadow77

    I put together gift baskets for the room, which were shrink-wrapped in colorful paper. In the two 
    baskets I put popcorn, chocolate pretzels, tea, sugar, Crown Royal, two crystal glasses, English 
    muffins, honey and honey butter. I also put some potpourri and candles in each one.
    Dang Teenyuck-can I come visit?
  • Marcos

    A harpy?


  • jgnat

    Your MIL big on propriety? I don't think so. She is a boor to forget to say thank you. She will not acknowledge any nice thing you do for her. I have a sister-in-law like that. She treated me like an imbecile from first meeting. I watch her sacrifice her life for her mother. Do you know there is nobody in the family that does as much as her? It does not matter that my honey drove his parents to all doctor's appointments, shopping trips etc. for ten years. This woman will not be outdone. My strategy with her was to never, never, never shake her confidence in that first assessment of me. So if she showed up at her mom's house with a box of goodies that weighed twice as much as she did, I opened the door and watched her stagger in to the kitchen. I sat like a lump on the couch while she polished and vaccumed and clucked over the dustbunnies. I remained mute as she complained of back pain for the next two days. When I did anything for my MIL, I did it when that sister wasn't watching.

    Gift basket? Cell phone? Computer? You are messing with your MIL's view of the world. She wants to be miserable. Your MIL can't be won over. You will never be able to prove to her that you are a nice person. If I were you I would stop trying.

  • Jesika

    Hey ummmmmm teen..........can I be your MIL??? I could use a cell phone LOL

    I agree, I would stop trying. No need to stress yourself out on a selfish person.


  • Ravyn

    remember the character Nellie Olsen on Little House on the Prairie ? THAT is my mother in law.She is a back stabbing,manipulative, passive-aggressive, gossiping, stupid, lazy, princess. Atleast you have your husband on your side. It took almost 6 years of pure Hell and ultimatums for my husband to see her as anything but a saint. My father in law and sister in law are as bad or worse. They are sick people. I have wasted thousands and thousands of dollars on them. Never again.

    My mother's only piece of advice to me, I unfortunately ignored. It was "marry and orphan".


  • Ravyn

    "marry an orphan" sorry typo.


  • Athanasius

    Call her late for breakfast.

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