For several months I have been asking my family and the organization what the difference is between someone who "simply leaves the faith" and someone who "went out" (disassociates).
Today I finally got the answer from my dad on the phone.
According to my dad (an elder), someone who simply leaves the faith is someone who still believes in Jehovah and the Organization, but does not attend the meetings.
He gave me an example... a family friend. Only problem is that this man leads a tormented life because he is torn between "serving jehovah and the organizations" and things about himself he can't control. (what my dad meant by "things" I have no idea).
In other words... the only way to simply leave the faith is to continue to belief the faith and lead a tormented life because you are not following it.
I responded to my dad: "So no matter how you leave the faith, you will still be tormented?" My dad said: "Yes".
I pointed out some of the false prophecies of the organization and my dad said: "Oh, well they are not false prophets because they corrected what they were doing wrong." Later he actually had the gall to tell me that right now they are not making any mistakes.
My family is sooooo into this organization it is sickening. Even though it is constantly f*cking up they are still loyal to it. Even though it ruins lives, they are still loyal to it. Even though it has caused people to loose their lives, they are still loyal to it.
That's it... after the last two phone calls with my parents and the emails with my brother... I'm done with them.
F***k 'Em!
They might as well be dead to me. I'm not going to continue tormenting myself over them.
Edited by - Elsewhere on 27 December 2002 18:20:4