Elsewhere, When are you going to appreciate the fact that you are the strong one and your father is the weak one? You are the doctor and your father is the patient? You are the parent and your father is the child?
The strategy I take with believing Witnesses that I have to deal with is the same I take with other fragile theists. I treat them like I do the schizophrenics. I protect their delusions and revere them or pretend to fear them like they do.
To understand how to deal with a believing Jehovah's Witness, establish and keep rapport with a person who suffers from Paranoid Schizophrenia. Once I can do that, I can deal with the Witness. The Witness's delusions are as real to them as a schizophrenics delusions are to her. These are fragile people and their delusions can never be confronted. It is upsetting to them to even have their delusions discussed. Usually when that happens, rapport is lost and contact is lost. On some level they know they are delusions but they need them and they will fight to the end or run away to protect them.
Believing Witnesses are not rational people and can not be dealt with with reason and logic. To establish and keep rapport with a person suffering from Witnessism requires dispensing with right, with logic, and with reason. Rapport requires compromise, silence and understanding that I am dealing with a sick individual.
Since, unlike many of the schizophrenic patients, Witnesses can function in the world and their delusions are only accesses by choice, many of us like flower and myself, remove ourselves from the line of fire as much as possible. I would not try to convince a person suffering from Witnessism that their apocalyptic delusions are not real any more than I will try to convince a Paranoid Schizophrenic that the mail man is not trying to kill them. Both are the same. Both are fragile and both will see me as the enemy if I threaten part of their reality.
Just my thoughts. Thanks for sharing your experience. gary