Did anyone watch Dateline last night? The expose' on pastor Hinn was exactly what I would have expected. He's a huckster.
by mike047 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Yes, I saw it. It reminded me of a Steve Martin movie I saw years ago about a faith healer. I believe it was a spook on Benny Hinn.
Out of all the Televangelists that are out there harping for our money, Benny Hinn is tops for the phoniest on my list. Next would be Robert Tilton.
Just like the line from the Hank Williams Jr. song a few years back, the American Dream, "they say send your money to the lord, but give you their address."
Lew W
The show said he made 100 million a year.....damn....thats more than I make in a week. It was intresting that when the "healing" began.....Hinn wouldn't allow Dateline to film it.
I would like to see a man go up to him and say..."I'm impotent" then have Benny knock him on the head and watch the guy get a big old "woodie" while he is passed out on the floor and Benny yells......he's healed!!! praise Jesus"!!!!!