2 elders mentioned in their parts in the TMS and SM, that just because a person is a Witness, it doesn't mean that they they are acceptable association. If someone misses a lot of meetings, rarely goes out in field service and is not the best example, we should not want to associate with such ones. I clearly see a line being drawn in the sand. Either you are going to be TOTALLY with us, or you are against us. This is the mentality we are seeing in the organization. They are trying to sift out any that are not 100% loyal to the organization.
Elder Says That We Must Guard Association W/ Bros.
by minimus 20 Replies latest jw friends
u know what minimus? why are we not surprised??? i think its moving more and more towards that as we speak and i say PPPPPPPPPPPPTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT to them
These comments were made the week after the Circuit Overseer's visit. Do you think this is just a coincidence???
They are always and evermore promoting this judging others. Completely opposed to what Jesus (whom they claim to follow) commanded at Matthew 7: 1. Also, I remember that, while I was a JW, I hated when I would see others in the congregation be treated differently (looked down upon) by the elders and their wives, pioneers, CO's DO's, etc. because they weren't quite "exemplary".
Most of the non "exemplary" people were a heck of a lot nicer and more sincere than those other bozos!
If you are suppose to associate with ONLY exemplary Witnesses, who would you really associate with?
Funny... first they were paranoid about all of the evil people outside the organization, now they are paranoid about people on the inside of the organization.
Oh No!!! Look out Brothers and Sisters!!! They're EVERYWHERE!!! EVERYWHERE!!! They're out to get you!!! They're out to get you!!!
Hi Minimus: This attitude started in the late 1970s early 1980s when the Watchtower cast out many so-called apostates such as Ray Franz and many others at Bethel headquarters ... it is a long standing view now ... and it is likely that the Watchtower Society is urging more of this view given their recent direction to make final shepherding calls on inactive JWs ...
In their official religious jargon the Society views itself in a final cleansing period deep in this time of the end ... in reality, it is merely part of their war against any JWs who don't conform to their rules ... it will not stop until a grass roots reform effort takes hold and gets an upper hand.
How the heck can they hope to maintain that level of paranoia? Eventually, any poor JW you care to look at could be called 'weak' or 'bad association' because they missed meeting or cult recruitment on Saturday morning.
Where I live, the economy and job markets absolutely SUCK!! If any witness is lucky enough to have a job which makes him/her work the occasional meeting night/service day, they're gonna WORK it. Nobody who has to worry about paying bills is going to jeopardize their job so that the A-Holes at the hall won't look down on them. Maybe I'm only giving a narrow view here, I don't know.
Even so.We all know that even when you " DO GO TO MEETINGS AND FIELD SERVICE"on a regular basis,they still have CLIQUES,CASTE,and GOOD OLE BOYS CLUB.A select few are always invited to outings,bethel,restaurants after the meetings etc.
But besides this, I know what you are alerting us to, that is ,what the the true agenda is really all about.Guarding against those who do not go to the meetings and field service on a regural basis.Why ! They are not having a "MEANINGFUL"share. They must be disloyal!
So,if you do go,your left out,and if you dont go, your put out.Blueblades
This doesn't really seem like new information. I've heard this lots of times when I was a dub. Which is why I had very few dub friends. I didn't put in enough field service hours and participated in afterschool activities...I was on the path to apostate why back then I guess...meanwhile all the good little boys and girls who put in their time, got to hang out together and smoke pot and have sex. *sigh* Too bad I was such an unspiritual nerd.