Last Post - My Most Painful Public Confession

by Amazing 131 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Hi Jim,

    Like many others, I first came to this community after reading some of your "Justice" series linked from Freeminds. I have no doubt that you slelcted the psuedonym "Amazing" not thinking that YOU were amazing, but that the stories you related were. The fact is, both your stories and you self are pretty darned AMAZING.

    It's been a plasure to associate with you, but it has been a too brief pleasure.

    Please take care of yourself, get well, and check in from time to time when you can, will you?

    Thank you, Simon, for providing a virtual community in which we could meet.

  • Focus

    I hope you get better. Keep cheerful... keep smiling... for:
    Laughter is the BEST medicine.
    Till we speak again!

    (Wishing you good luck! Class)

  • back2dafront


    Enjoyed your post - I wish you the best. Take care of your health and hopefully we'll see ya back here sometime in the future.



  • rebel


    I haven't been on this forum long, but the longer I am here, the more dumbfounded I am when I hear of the terrible things people have had to put up with. That you can come through all of this and still keep your dignity is so wonderful. You have no bitterness, which in itself is pretty amazing. I am working hard to rid myself of a lot of bitterness right now - I am so angry about so many things. You have shown me that you can go through a whole lot of rubbish, and come through it a stronger person.

    Thank you and I wish you a speedy recovery.


    Edited by - rebel on 29 December 2002 10:24:37

  • RubyTuesday

  • Regardless of your belief system, at least love one another. For in this Jesus proved righteous.
  • Thanks for all your wisdom....hope you come back soon.

    Edited by - rubytuesday on 29 December 2002 11:10:27

  • ugg

    hoping you all the have been through so much and given so much....take time now and heal......know you are being thought about....

  • Mary


    Your post really touched matter how bad we might think we have it, there's a thousand people who could only dream that their life was as good as ours. You are truly one in a million.

    I wish you the best of luck. And remember "We are pressed in every way, but not cramped beyond movement; we are perplexed but not absolutely with no way out; we are thrown down, but not destroyed.......Even if the man we are outside is wasting away, certainly the man we are inside is being renewed from day to day.......for the things seen are temporary, but the things unseen are eternal." (2 Cor. 4)

    Take care.

  • Mulan

    Jim, you made me cry. I always have to weep over stories like yours. I am so sorry for all the things that happened to you.

    Your advice is so good. I wish I could put it all behind me, and move on, but they are just RIGHT THERE in front of my face every day of my life. I've thought that after my mother dies, it might happen, because then I won't have to hear about the meetings and see them at my house all the time. I'm not wishing for my mother's's just a thought.

    We will miss you. Your information, during the Ray Franz situation, kept me balanced in my feelings. It was hard, since we knew some of the players, to sort it all out.

    When I get home from Hawaii, I will give you a call!!

    Edited by - mulan on 29 December 2002 12:13:45

  • CC Ryder
    CC Ryder

    Thank you Jim, I appreciated your post. You will be in my thoughts and prayers and I will try to keep in touch. You'll get through this tough test and you'll be back here before you know it! I really enjoy reading your posts and look forward to your return.


  • jst2laws


    I haven't read everyone's replies yet so I may be repeating. Other posters, if I respond to a point similar to yours please take it as a compliment rather than redundancy or plagiarism.


    The Watchtower system is not about to give any accountability or justice ... we are plain screwed ... admit it and move on.
    Have some fucking compassion for your fellow human being stop judging and cussing people out ... I mean ... come on ... why all the needless angst?
    Get over the Watchtower religion. It is a pathetic false religion, and a proven fraud, so why do we give it the damn time of day?

    I also was moved to tears as I related to you history of having been through good and bad times, even:

    I have believed in God and ... been a virtual atheist
    Don't arrogantly discount God, he just may care about you, and he likely have invented evolution ... and he may have your eternal happiness at heart ... besides we have to admit Jesus Christ is cool.

    Great. A minority of ex's seem to have reverted back to fundamentalism. The rest appear to become either total skeptics about everything or they learn to be comfortable with the possibility that this "Reality" is too beautiful, too complex, to wonderful, and too capable of love and good things to have no meaning to it at all.

    I feel humanity as a whole is evolving spiritually and primed for a world explosion of understanding. YOU HAVE MADE A CONTRIBUTION TO THIS COMMUNITY IN THAT PROCESS OF GROWTH.

    Get well and come back soon, Jim.


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