rule no 1 take your wap mobile phone and scan the internet no2 enthusiastically volunteer to do car park duty with one of your spiritually weak friends no 3 when all else fails say your saved and believe in the trinity and you wont have to go any more
how to survive the meetings without dying bored
by dannywalsh 15 Replies latest jw experiences
Hi dannywalsh:
how to survive the meetings without dying bored
Is this possible? I envied the people who could fall asleep during the meeting. Another survival technique. What a wise use of their spare time.
Welcome to the forum......
Mrs. Shakita
one good thing about the meetings shakita have them tape recorded and if u ever had insomnia stick em on worked every time lols
I did a post on the forum from the meeting once using a mobile phone and PocketPC
How sad is that?!
With the technology how it is now, it will soon be possible to do an "outside broadcast" from a KH over the internet ... imagine 'Memorial Night Live' ...
or how bout this sie "sunday night fever"
One brother I knew used to wear dark glasses at the KH and sit at the back - nobody ever knew he slept through the whole thing every time!
I am going to use a tip from Blondie and start using the time to do my own Bible study - nobody will be any the wiser - they will think I am such a spiritual sister and all those elders visits are paying off at last
Skeptically Yours
To survive the meetings, I skip a few here and there so when I go I really feel like seeing some of the nice people. Also, I don't study any meeting so that when I go the information isn't as redundant and boring.
In the meetings that I'm really bored, I fake a tummy ache or a terrible headache and leave the hall right away.
Take care!
Chewing gum helped me and the kids stay awake - couldn't do anything about the boredom. Then some elder got up and told the cong that we couldn't chew gum in the Kingdom Hall. So instead of giving the kids a piece when the meeting started, I'd let them have it on the way to the Hall so they'd already have it in their mouths when we got there.
Toward the end I got to the point I couldn't stand to sit through 2 hours of that crap. I'd spend most of the meeting in the back talking to a friend or two. Then I just decided I would make it even easier and just not go at all
We saw a man so bored at the meeting that he took out his knife and pulled up his pant leg and was shaving off his hair on his leg. I guess it was to see how sharp his knife was in case he got so bored he had to cut his own throat!! When his wife saw what he was doing he got an elbow and an evil eye. lol Enjoying this post.