Some of my Artworks

by refiners fire 67 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Jesika

    Very nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Jesika, of the------doesn't have an artistic bone in her body class

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire


    If that is something you painted, get off my thread, youre too good a painting technician for me to compete with.

    (Just kidding, stick around)

    I never went to art school so had to develop completely my own techniques, methods and subject matter. Im just wierd. My pictures arent painting as such, they are done wiith coloured pencil more than anything else, some coloured ink to get depth of colour. I struggled with Oils and watercolour for years before finally throwing them out in disgust and saying "To hell. I'll use whatever medium I like to do whatever i want".

  • jgnat

    hehehe, Refiners. Painting technician is a good term. I receive as much satisfaction in mastering my "craft", as I do in the finished product. It is rarely admitted, but artists are a pretty competitive bunch. When checking out someone else's work, a little imp inside my head is measuring it up. Does this artist have any clue??? And if an artist has more flash than substance (I've seen barbies floating in a fishtank labelled art), I gloat a little, wondering who will be suckered in to buying it. When confronted with someone who might be just a little bit better, I have an irrepressible urge to pick up my brush and create something dazzling (perhaps incorporating some of that other guy's genius). My teacher says competitive edge pushes artists to improve.

  • Beck_Melbourne

    So sorry RF...I don't know what happened, maybe it was the strike9 site...but here are the pics:

    I call this one 'desolation' for some reason...

    I call this one 'confusion'

    This one is 'simply red'

    I like this one the most, but I can't think of a name for it

    Again I couldn't think of a name for this one


    ps...where is elderrepents?

  • Mackin

    Hello Beck,

    How are you? We've all missed your smiling face.


  • Stephanus

    Very good RF, although your visions of paradise lack Dubs with fake smiles picking fruit and flowers, building wooden houses and frolicking with wild animals... Now, please post a pic of your equipment on the thread of that title which I started last night! (No mooning the camera, please)

  • Prisca

    Beck: Elderrepents is now known as "Gizmo" (he changed it)

    Stephanus: PLEASE don't even HINT that RF would get in front of the camera - he LOVES having pics taken of him!

    I like the pic that Beck titled "simply red" - it reminds me of the outback near Alice Springs and Ayers Rock.

  • Beck_Melbourne

    G'day Mackin, good to see ya and Happy New Year!!

    Hey I did the tourist thing in Sydney...just got back yesterday...I went to Chinatown, Paddy's Market, Darling Harbour, Opera House at Circular Quay and we all went on a ferry tour of the harbour and saw Nicole Kidman's home she used to share with Tom...we even went past the nudist beach...what an eye opener that was! Had a great time catching up with some inactive kiwi dubbies at the Bondi Hotel and we also found a grouse Thai restaurant which I have made a note of if you should ever venture over that way again.

    Good to be home mind you...I have lots of reading to catch up on...the board still keeps going even when I'm on vacation


    edited to add a big g'day to Prisca...I like your city, but I could never live there...too squashy and too fast....and too many skinny young blonde girls with fake tans LOL...Bondi Beach is pretty awesome but it makes one feel old and frumpy LOL.

    Edited by - beck_melbourne on 6 January 2003 1:25:11

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire


    You are really asking for trouble telling artists to post pics of "their equipment". Ive been too scared to even LOOK in that thread of yours, let alone post in it.

  • Stephanus

    RF, it contains pics such as this:

    What do you work in - oils or acrylic? Artists or student quality? Local or imported brand?

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