Some of my Artworks

by refiners fire 67 Replies latest social entertainment

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire


    I work mainly in Coloured pencil . Maost recently I started using Flourescent markers as a base to oomph the color intensity and then using coloured pencil over the top. If youve got a nice toothy paper you can wet it numerous times to make the coloured pencil more intense. The problem with using those fluoro markers is the resultant picture cant stand any direct sun. But anyone who would let direct sun fall on a painting under any circumstances is making a mistake.

  • bikerchic

    Now I know what the FINE stands for in your name reFINEr's fire. Beautiful work my man! I really like them all, hope we get to see more!

    Julian that is awesome work too!

    Lilacs your son has real tallent, I sure wish I could draw like that!

    Jgnat wow I'm so impressed very beautiful paintings you have real artistic tallent!

    Katie (of the stick figured art class)

  • Stephanus

    You sound like me, RF - I'm like an old mother hen about lightfastness in watercolours. I suppose it's because if I ever do a painting that's a keeper, the last thing I'd want is for it to fade in the light. It's amazing the crappy pigments that get used in so-called "artists' quality" paints. Watercolours are particularly sensitive to light, because unlike acrylics and oils, there's no thick binder to protect the pigment. Do you use watercolour pencils?

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Steph. Water colour pencils, correct a mundo.applied on wet paper the color really bites. Looking here, most of my pencils seem to be faber castell "albrecht durer" . Those are good quality water color pencils. I wet the page and lay it on. after its dryed you can do the same again. A good paper might cop 8 goings over. If you put some paint on, (if the paper gets wore out and smooth) you can get more on top of the paint. bad technique though. I got a lot of pencils called "Polychromos" as well. Interesting colours.

    (Steph. Theres a group of us down here got a lead on getting a meeting with the Melbourne head of the Raelian movement, I'll keep you posted if anything comes of it this time.)

  • Satanus


    Being a house painter, i sometimes do special affects. On delicate ones, i might apply a clear finish, like water based, oil based, or xylene based varnish. What do you think of a spray on water based clear finish, about a satin sheen (not too shiney), for preserving your colors? There are also totally flat (no shine), oil based varnishes. An oil base clear could be brushed or rolled on. A water based clear would need to be sprayed (thin on the first coat) so it wouldn't mess w you pigments.


  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    ..."What do you think of a spray on water based clear finish, about a satin sheen (not too shiney), for preserving your colors? There are also totally flat (no shine), oil based varnishes. An oil base clear could be brushed or rolled on. A water based clear would need to be sprayed (thin on the first coat)"....

    Yeah man... sure...whatever you say!! Hey bro, I wouldnt have a clue.I trust you know what youre talking about. I like the idea of working big on a big canvas (or wall) but Ive never been able to master it. My pics are all small and painstakingly overworked. lol.

    SS. Ive always wanted to be a house painter. I find myself doing it on and off and its something I enjoy. I dont do a bad job to tell the truth, but am a bit too slow to be commercial though.

  • Satanus

    One artist i know did stuff on the doors. Imagine a pic covering a whole door. With enough deapth, you could make a person feel like she was walking into an ocean or a country side. I did a bathroom (walls and cieling) in colors that suggest water. The lady said she felt like she was surrounded by water. Heh heh. It took me one full day to complete.


    Edited by - saintsatan on 6 January 2003 3:59:30

  • Stephanus
    My pics are all small and painstakingly overworked.

    Alwyn Crawshaw in his Brush with Art series was always saying "Now, at this stage, don't be tempted to keep fiddling with it" - could be good advice for you, RF...

    Edited by - Stephanus on 6 January 2003 18:15:47

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