Got a call from an elder this weekend

by Texas Apostate 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • Swan

    I have a comment and a question for you Tex.

    If you are DFed 9 years, maybe this guy wants to talk to you because he heard about your "apostate" viewpoints. Maybe he is calling unofficially because he has concerns himself and is going through a crisis of conscience of his own. Is that a possibility? Maybe not. For what it's worth.

    Now for my question. Forgive my ignorance, but what does the term "Cheese Cracker Men" mean in reference to the elders? I'm not familiar with the term, but it sounds good!


  • Texas Apostate
    Texas Apostate

    meet with him yes 3

    meet with him no 1

    Francois i am frantically looking for that post so that i can e-mail the link for her reading pleasure.

    She said it was a knee-jerk reaction on her part (I think it's cause she is addicted to the phone). I under similiar circumstances would have never answer the phone.

    Hey LongHauler. Good to meet a fellow Houstonian. Born and raised myself.

    I have been kickin several outcomes if i do meet with him. Will he pressure my mom to cut off ties if he learns what i feel about the hovah's? Then again he may pressure her to stop talking to me if i don't meet with him. What a freakin catch 22. I guess that is why i would like her there to see his reactions to my questions. anyways, i will check the outcome and your comments and will make a decision by this Friday.

  • Carmel

    Return his 3:00 am every Sat morning for a month. Maybe put a recording on your phone about unsolicited calls from peodophile protecting cults will be vigorously combatted..He'll get the point.


  • Texas Apostate
    Texas Apostate

    Swan: Actually I am going to give credit to JT on that one. I learned it from his post. You see how "bad fruit corrupts good fruit". I am sure it has to do something with all, except one, of the GB being white. You know the term "Cracker". JT... throw a dog a bone please

  • Been there
    Been there

    Apparantly your Mom is not shunning you? I would be curious as to what CCM wants but I would lay real low about laying it all out for him since they may really put the screws to your Mom to stop all association with you.

  • borgfree
    Meet with him and give him hell

    Just tell them the truth and they think it is hell. (Sort of quoting Harry Truman)

    I say talk to them, alot.


  • Swan

    Okay JT and Tex, you are being way to sophisticated for this poor sheltered gal raised in a religious cult. Is cracker some sort of term for a whitey or in Hawaii a howlie? I've heard of those terms, but don't know about cracker or cheese cracker men. I looked in my dictionary and saw a reference to cracker-jack, but the elders are certainly not cracker-jack! Yes, I am naive. My husband refers to me as a dumb blond.

    I'm white, but won't take offense. I just want to know.

    BTW, Tex, I like the idea of the 3:00 AM phone call.


  • Valis

    Greetings Texas Apostate. Welcome to the board if we haven't met already. Dallas Apostacy checking in here! I say go kick em in the pants..might make you feel better. You might not want to have your mother present will only make it harder to convince her that its all madness if she sees you go off on elder boy...BTW, don't forget to let me know if you want to be on the Texas map...


    District Overbeer

  • Farkel

    : How dare my mom not ask me first, about giving my phone number to a complete stranger. NOW I AM REALLY PISSED.

    Giving out Cheese Crackers is only their part-time job. Their FULL-TIME job is speaking for God and your mom knows that. Oh, and nosing into everyone else's business is part of their "speaking for God" job, too!

    Better do what they say, then! And get some cheese crackers from them, too.

    Filthy, Vile Apostate Class

  • jimbob

    If I am correct.....I believe our beloved JT came up with the term, "Cheese and Cracker Men". (At least, he's the first one I saw to use this term in reference to elders) I LOVE this new term. Fits them perfectly!!!!! I believe you can see JT's CCM lingo here.....

    Edited by - jimbob on 30 December 2002 17:50:44

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