Got a call from an elder this weekend

by Texas Apostate 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • Haereticus

    JT wrote:

    "well if you got 9 yrs out of the org, there is NO NEED TO CALL OR MEET OR HAVE ANY DEALING AT ALL"

    I am DF:d and contacted over 20 yrs after the order of the boot. I was fortunate that I just had had my Internet connection wired up and done some research. Similarly my phone number was given by mother to this PO, the very same man that DF:d me.


  • rocky220

    Sounds to me like the CCM man is going to invite you to re-join the Borg.....Great, this is your opportunity to ask about all the things we have discussed on this board.....Pedophile cover-up, UN membership, tax problems in France...etc....He'll wish he had a drink by the time you're finished with him!!!!!rocky220

  • Thunder Rider
    Thunder Rider

    First BTW this is really SheilaM stealing one of thunderriders posts....the dubs taught me well<heavy sarcasm there>

    One: I have been married almost 19 years ....UNLESS it is 3:00AM and you don't know where your teenager YOU ARE UNDER NO OBLIGATION TO ANSWER THE PHONE

    Two: After nine years HELLLLLLO does he have the nerve or what, myself I would call and ask them some questions like What is my middle name? What day was my baby born? LOL When you get done putting him on the hot seat, I would tell him that he does not have the fruits of the spirit and you really don't want to speak to such a godless creature

    Three: If they indicate a shepherding call is in order buy a large VERY LARGE dog and keep it by the door with a sign that says something akin to "BEWARE OF JW EATING DOG"

    Really I would ignore the phone call pretend they never called kiss and hug that wife and baby and thank god your not in the cult anymore!!!!

  • Yerusalyim

    Meet with him, don't meet with him, what's the difference. Actually, I think I'd call and say you have Nothing to talk about, and unless he provides a new reason, NO THANKS! Then again, it might be fun to watch him squirm under the gun a bit. As to the phone call, if you emailed it to me and a few others on the board we could give the young man a 3 am wake up call for the next few weeks calling him in for a "Judicial Committee" meeting...just a thought!

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    Should I meet with him if he request it?

    No. Is he going to change your mind? No. Are you going to change his mind? No. All he's going to do is end up irritating and aggravating you. Most elders are arrogant, judgmental hypocrites smug in their own little fiefdoms of authority. Don't allow yourself to be drawn back into that nonsense.

    Just my opinion


  • Shakita


    Should I ask him to meet me with mom present so that she can see him sweat when i begin to ask him about all the stuff I found out about this "troof?

    If you feel like beating your head against a wall, go ahead and meet with him. From all I have heard and read about these witch hunts, you are in a no win situation. They don't care what you have learned, only who you have told.

    My husband and I are inactive. We are also expecting that call or visit soon. We will not under any circumstances meet with them. They will not record one minute of service time interrogating us. We have wasted enough of our precious life on this organization. This is how we feel.

    Nice to hear from you.

    Mrs. Shakita

  • Debz
    Most elders are arrogant, judgmental hypocrites smug in their own little fiefdoms of authority. Don't allow yourself to be drawn back into that nonsense.

    I would be annoyed about the phone number being given out too! But you really need to tackle your Mum on that one! In my 20yrs of being DF`ed I have the `elders` call once on me through my mothers reccommendation - naturally at a time when SHE thought I was at a vulnurable in my life. Their purpose to ask me to come back to meetings of course. The reply a curt NO - don`t call on me again solved the issue........never seen them again..(not at my door anyways)

  • imanaliento

    if you can talk to him over the phone it would save you some time, after you tell him what you think, tell him not to bother you or your family anymore and then block the number. I would also tell your mother not to give out your phone number to anyone. I hope things will still go well for you and your mom as so many do not even have a relationship with theirs. IMA

  • Elsewhere

    My mom gave my unlisted phone number to a woman who was stalking me.

    The girl called my mom and said: "I can't seem to be able to find his number, is it unlisted?" My mom answered, "I don't know, how about I give you his number and you can ask him."

    My mom called later and asked, "Was that a bad thing to do?"

  • Gizmo

    The effects of the bubbly was were at the high point for both of us. I knew that we really going to have some "good quality time". When all of a sudden the phone rings. Drats!!!

    Talk about CCM interuptous..

    Wish the (b)org would hand out ex communication Bulls wit a special seal from the head know like the one Martin Luther got from the POPE and burnt.

    Except I'd place mine in a frame and hang it on a if a CCM visited me..I'd proudly point to the wall and say NOW POQ. It's legal .

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