What DO You Know Now That You Didn't Before?

by minimus 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl

    How well the religion "Whitewashed it's followers" so you couldn't see their "dirt".

    How well they "Whitewashed the Scriptures" to make their religion "Look like the truth!"

    How well they "Whitewashed the religion" to make it look so "good"!

    Like waxing a rotten piece of fruit!.;)

    When the whitewash and wax wear off...you can see how truly rotten the "Religion" is.

    Golden Girl...

  • minimus

    I never realized the amount of people hurt because of the Organization. I also never knew that so many people could be so kind and caring, here.

  • Wolfgirl
    Was there anything that shocked or surprised you about the Witness religion that you didn't know about til you left???

    Well, when I was DF'd (for immorality, readily admitted and unapologetic), I was also going through the trauma of having my memories of sexual abuse return to me, and my father (an elder) admitting to it. I was angry that they were going to allow him to remain an elder (he stepped down anyway). But the real shocker came when my DF'd aunt who I hadn't heard from in 25 years found me. She told me about the UN thing, and I was amazed. That's when I really started looking into it, and everything I've learned so far has just pushed me farther and farther away from "the truth." I am finally free of the guilt and worry that I was feeling when I first left....worry that they were really right and I was going to die at Armageddon.

  • minimus

    Even though I read "apostate" books in the past, I never realized the impact that the internet would have on you. When you can see, right in front of your eyes, just like that, ALL the false prophecies, flip-flops, and stupid ideas, you can't help but be forced to put 2 and 2 together. It's true that the 'net is the Society's worst nightmare. The internet tells the truth. The internet easily exposes the Watchtower's lies.....Thank God for the internet!

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Gee, there's so much. I guess the first thing I realized when I stopped going was that "the friends" were not different. They were like everyone else in this wicked old system of things. In fact they could be, and were, miserable human beings capable of inflicting emotional and spiritual damage without a thought or care. Looking back I must admit that I'm embarrassed at how shocked I was; I guess that shows how much I bought into God's spirit directed organization. I used to get physically ill after each meeting. I saw and heard what these people really are. After a few years, I realized that they were in the wrong, not me.

    As for all the teachings, I don't really care about that. I've tried investigating and researching 607/1914, the trinity, etc. but I guess I'm so burned out on doctrine and religon in general that I don't have much use for it anymore. I wonder if God really cares about religon or religous doctrine?

  • minimus

    Big Tex, how did the meetings get you sick?......This could be the beginning of a new thread, HOW DID THE MEETINGS GET YOU SICK?

  • Undecided


    That it's all a bunch of thoughts in your head - and some feelings in the body. The content is just details.

    To me that describes religion of all kinds. Some are more harmful than others, but as far as revealing what God is really like, we just don't know.

    Ken P.

  • Abaddon

    That we live in a Universe that is non-teleological; i.e., life and this Universe has no external meaning or purpose, other than that we imagine for it.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    HAH!! You can really make me laugh out loud. Actually it's not a bad idea for a thread. So I'll put my answer in now. It was the dichotomy between the written teachings, hearing the platitudes from the platform and then experiencing their cold cruelty in real life. It was the first time in my life that simply seeing bad behavior caused a physical reaction. I can remember feeling as if I would become "unwell" (how's that for polite?) and sometimes I really would. Now try doing that in a suit at the Kingdom Hall without making a mess.

  • minimus

    Big Tex, Your description is vivid enough for me. Once again, thanx for sharing.....minimus, starting to take his suitcoat off....

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