What DO You Know Now That You Didn't Before?

by minimus 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • scootergirl

    I learned how to think for myself and not feel guilty about it. I learned that mistakes are not necessarily bad and that it is by mistakes that we learn. I learned to bow down to no man, stand up for what I feel is right, and be independent. I learned how to live life NOW and not give it away for some pipedream.

    DAMN, life is good NOW!

  • Shakita

    What do I know now that I didn't before?

    That apostates are a great bunch of people!

    Happy New Year to all my new Apostate friends!

    Mrs. Shakita

  • Sentinel

    I felt so unworthy and had no self assurance when I was "in". I was naturally curious, but my search for information (outside the society) caused me to be labeled. I knew in my heart that I was a sincere person, but to be told that some of my experiences were from the devil, was disallusioning and frightening. I had to give up family and friends for this "truth", and I did not feel close to this god, Jehovah. I tried very hard, but there was more fear than love. The doctrines were confusing and changing, and just didn't make any sense to me most of the time, yet I feared to challenge them, because I knew what that would mean.

    Now, I realize that I have a very good mind, and I enjoy using it. Did I lose a lot? Yes, I did. It was and is painful to be shunned for da'ing myself. But there is always a cost in "change". Usually, the outcome far outweighs any of the negatives holding one back.

    Now I can ask questions, search for answers, and determine for myself how I will deal with matters in my life. I am open-minded and try to be balanced. When I go to bed at night, I don't close my eyes in dread, afraid of the horrible Armageddon. I can live within the bounds on my own conscience, and learn from my mistakes.

    I know that JW's are wrong, and I realize that religion is misleading masses of people. But, I have learned to grow spiritually, constantly searching to be the best that I can be. I'm OK. I'm acceptable. I'm capable of giving and receiving love.

    And, after finding this forum, I realize that my experiences are not unique, and that many, many others have traveled the road I was on, and have been able to get out, and to heal. This has been so very comforting to me....some twenty odd years after leaving.

    I'm not alone anymore.

  • Blueblades

    Minimus, I remember answering one of your past post that it was the other way around.That all of us here are NOT Apostates,its the other way around,The Society is the real Apostate.

    What do you think about this idea?For the New Year of 2003 we stop calling ourselves Apostates on this forum.I don't like the thought, even in jest, that we who have come out of an Apostate Org.go along with the Society's labeling of us.Lets not use that term because it does not apply to us.

    It applies to The Society.We have all been put in harms way by this Apostate Org.Do you think we can make the change from calling ourselves Apostate to putting the label where it actually belongs,on The Apostate Organization WT.Society. Blueblades

  • Sentinel


    How wise you are. I agree with you.

    The world in general, is going to be very surprised at who the real apostates are revealed to be.

    I don't believe that any of us really wish to be counted as part of that group. Apostate. Anti-Christ. Great Harlot. Nope, not me!

  • LeslieV

    Personally what a wake up when I realized that "wordly people" where nice to me!!!!! I have been told all my life how bad "the world" is!!! I actually like being "a part of the world" LOL.


  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    I was thoroughly "shocked" that Christians believed that Jesus rose in the physical body. It never entered my mind it could have been anything other than in the spirit. I mean, just stunned! I also was shocked that people have friends of the opposite sex without chaperones. I know.. wierd.

    Country Girl

  • hillbilly

    after many hours of study I know know that the answer to this liguistic problem

    "I Oranges are orange, why arent banannas "Yellows"? Well Duh! got all screwed up at the Tower of Bable. (if any one see's a Freudian connection in my comment please let me know what it means)

  • AnotherEscapee

    I slowly wised up, seeing all the hypocrisy, the lying, the cheating, the back stabbing and elders protecting there own.

    Then I suddenly realised being an independant thinker is good, that thinking outside the box is great, how I loved asking questions my elder husband and his mates couldn't answer. Their party line was always "leave it with Jehovah", how sad, why is it they always use buzz phrases like that, to try and shut us up that's why!

    The thing that finally put the lid firmly on the coffin of the WTS for me was the UN thing - but what was the real reason they signed up as a NGO, that's what I wanna know now.

    Good idea Blueblades - I refuse to be labelled by the WTS. I think I may start calling myself what I really am - a true Christian!

  • minimus

    Blue, I don't mind being referred to as an apostate. I even call my mom and tell her it's her apostate son calling. I like "worldly" people too. I like feeling I'm no longer "in the truth". Personally, I really don't care what label anyone has for another. The elders can say I HAVE to meet with them. No I don't. I know this and that really all that matters,imo.....Minimus, the worldly,out of the truth, APOSTRATE, I mean APOSTATE.

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