My thoughts have already been posted,by the good advice expressed here.Francois mentioned something that could be an underlining reason for your husband wanting to use the home as a book study.Reaching out to be appointed an Elder.Using the home as a stepping stone to this end. C.O. love to hear that a ministerial servant opened his home for the use of Field Service head-quarters.It means that he has a place to come for chow during his visit.
One thing comes to my mind also that might help,or might not. The Secret of FAMILY HAPPINESS Book Chapter 3,Two Keys to a Lasting Marriage. The Second Key, Good Communication,page 37,par:24 Question :How will love and respect help when there are disagreements? Give an example.
Answer :Recall the occasion when Sarah recommended to her husband,Abraham,a solution to a certain problem and it did not coincide with his feelings. Yet,God told Abraham:"Listen to her voice."Genesis 22:9-12.Similarly,if a wife suggests something different from what her husband has in mind,he should at least listen to her voice.
Hope this scriptual example from the slaves own mouth will help you to persuade him to see things your way.We had a book study in our home for many years,got sick,cancelled it.Blueblades