For those interested in Bible Student research and the teachings of C.T.Russell.
by Scorpion 14 Replies latest watchtower bible
For those interested in Bible Student research and the teachings of C.T.Russell.
ah c'mon Scorp, nobody cares about that stuff, they're just a bunch of cultist :)
Interesting site. Any estimates about how many Bible Students there are in the US? World?
I get ask that question alot, but unlike the JW's we don't take rollcall. So it is very difficult to say just how many. When the walls came down in Europe we found thousands of Bible Students, many whom the Society claimed were theirs.
And then there are independent congrwegations who are .... just that independent and so dopn't have any association with others. I found such a group in my own backyard, a woman had a house church, using BIble Student literature, and she was perfectly content where she was, doing what she did.
At least you have a sense of humor. Something I can't say about another Bible Student who we both know.
And you know as well as I, that there are several that are still interested in the Bible Students associations. I have individuals at times ask me questions about the Bible Student beliefs and ask for information. Don't worry RR, I know what you are probably thinking.
I wish to thank you again for the copy of the 1898 Zions WT page 231.
Scorpion (Stan)
It struck me when I visited network54 that there are a LOT of Bible Students "out there," a lot more than I imagined. But you're right RR, the numbers don't matter.
many whom the Society claimed were theirs.
Care to elaborate?
I wrote and asked the bible students about the holocaust and this was their reply: Dear Friend: Christian greetings. Unfortuantely, the Witnesses in Europe, particularly in Germany adopted the name "Jehovah's Witnesses" in the 1950s, up till then they were called "Ernest Bible Students", thus confusion with the independent BIble Students. Although the holocaust museum is aware that there were two Bible Student groups persecuted for their beliefs, they ave not made any chnages. Some of those listed as "Jehovah's Witnesses" are actually Bible Students, persecuted for their Zionist views. Hope this helps! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
To me this is most insidious. I think the WTBS has enough martyrs without stealing others for their roster!
I am sure RR can fill you in on more.
Ty for listening.
For your bride.....
For your bride.....
Ahhhhh, thank you. I will take them to her right now.
btw, it looks like Cassandra is having fun, eh?
I thought I would post some answers to other questions I asked at the time.
They are very nice and respond quickly and politely.
If it wasnt for some things at Quotes I read I might have tried them.
Still finding ones own way is a bit more adventurous.
Hope this helps
Ciao 4 now
Dear friend:
Christian greetings.
Thank you for your patience. Below are your questions and our replies.
<< I Was Wondering Where You Ever Part Of The Same Group As JW's And If So What Caused The Rift? >>
actually, the Bible Students were formed first in the 1860s, the Jehovah's Witnesses are an offshoot of the Bible Students. Although they will tell you differently, simply because they run the Watchtower Society and the Bible Students were at one time supportive of the Watchtower Society until around 1917, when it was reorganized and the new management began publishing a theology we did not accept.
In those days although the Society served as the main publishing house, there were actually several publishing houses the Bible Students used. When we opted not to support the Society and distribute their literature, we began publishing our own. Today the Society acts not only as a publishing house, but as God's true organization, such was not the case prior to 1917.
<< Do You Do The Ministry Work As Jesus Prescribes....2 by 2? Or Is It More Informal....As The Apostle Paul Did Allot Of That As Well As Formal. (So I Understand Anyway.) >>
Our ministry is mainly a personal one, more informal. However we do public witness also. Door to door, street witnessing or what we call "tracting". We have public showings, and conventions. We have several radio and television programs and aired regularly.
<< Do You Believe In The Trinity? And Use The Cross? Or Are You Devoid Of Such Beliefs And Focus mostly On The Persons Of Christ And Jehovah? >>
We are non-trinitarian. And although the cross may be seen in pictures on our publications, we do not worship the emblem, it is merely a logo. Preferring not to make a big issue of it as some do. Fact is there is as much data to support Jesus dying on a cross then there is of him dying on a stake.
<< Do You Use Gods Name As You Would A Friend? Or Just Formally Use His Title?Or Even Both? >>
Jehovah is our heavenly Father, and we refer to him a such. One would not call their Father by his name, would they? Although we use the name Jehovah in our publications and even in our witnessing efforts, we do not over use the name like some do. Jesus is very real to us and we pride ourselves on having a personal relationship with him. After all, he is our elder brother. We do not practice tithing, there is a contribution box and if one wished to support the work, one may do so. There is never a request for donations, preferring to leave it in the Lord's hands.
<< Also...How Many At This Time Are In Your Faith? Are You A Large Group? Or Small? >>
That is a difficult question, as we do not take role call or keep track of our members like the witnesses who keep files on each member. Sme classes are as small as two or three, others are as large as 200. Most classes are small, and meet in private homes, [house churches] many meet in rented halls.
onacruse,we must have been posting at once
yes my daughter loves it here!!
If you e-mail her a pic of you and your bride she will draw you an anime style portrait
It's almost 4 am...Off 2 bed....
Nite nite
Edited by - Utopian_Raindrops on 7 January 2003 4:58:19