Complete Bible Student website list

by Scorpion 14 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • RR

    To me this is most insidious. I think the WTBS has enough martyrs without stealing others for their roster! I am sure RR can fill you in on more.

    This is another question I get asked from time to time. I think one of the things that you need to know about Bible Students is ... they tend NOT to make a big stink over these matters. They tend to leave everything in the Lord's hands. Nothing in life comes by accident, it is always "the Lord's overruling providance." So when the Judge took over, despite the Bible Students efforts to keep out the civil authorities and keep it scripturally by applying Matthew 18:15 and keep it within the Lord's congregation, it was the Lord's overruling that the the split happened.

    We have hundreds of documents of Bible Students who spent years in Nazi concentration camps. It is a known fact that the Bible Students today as they were yesterday were Christian Zionist, always supportive of Israel. Russell was loved by the Jewish people.

    Did you know that in Germany the Witnesses did not officially adopt the name "Jehovah's Witnesses" until the 1950s? So you have two Bible Student groups, one Zionist, the other anti-Zionist. Who can tell who from who?

    I'm sure if you went to Romania today, and went to a Kingdom Hall, you'd have to ask a few questions before you'd figure out if you were associating with independent Jehovah's Witnesses of Watchtower Jehovah's Witnesses.

    I believe Jerry Bergman some years ago did a paper on the Bible Students and the issue of the holocaust and sent them to the holocaust museum committee, I don't know what ever happened. I'm sure the Society gave a heft donation to the museum to have themselves looked at in a good light. Bible Students don't have that kind of money. We don't care about fancy buildings and amassing worldwide recognition and pushing magazines under every door. It's a big thing for us.

    Remember the Lord uses the foolish to confound the mighty, and I'd be more than happy to look foolish for His sake! :smile:


  • minimus

    RR, you mentioned before that you do not accept everything that CTR said and that most Bible Students feel the same. Of course, in the Watchtower you HAVE to accept it all as the "truth". What specifically do you not 100% accept? See if you can be specific,please.

  • Utopian_Raindrops

    RR as always people have a lot of questions for you. Shows how reasonable and approachable you are.

    I think its wonderful that you dont have to agree with all of Russels teachings.

    In that case then why do the bible students attach themselves to the name and teachings of one man instead of just to Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ alone?

    Why have a mentor who obviously was flawed as your spiritual guild?

    Couldnt each of you just read the bible and decide for yourselves?

    I do understand you do decide for yourselves in many ways but, why even use his writings anymore?

    There were other religious people ahead of him in understanding.

    From what I know he believed the black race (and dark people in general) were under the curse of Ham.

    The Quakers long before him although pacifists would help black Americans to freedom because they knew this was wrong.

    God is not partial and Jesus treated all the same.

    Great that you can not agree with the man on his views but still why would anyone want to be known as one of his followers?

    I am Latin. For me it is true I am light skinned, as Mexico was a melting pot long before the U.S.A. We have Spanish, French, and German Mennonite.

    Still I have cousins darker then me; my oldest daughter is a beautiful toasty light almond brown.

    I cannot believe they are cursed and I am blessed! They are far more beautiful anyway! I turn lobster red in the summer.

    It is difficult for me no matter how appealing the bible students are to want to be somewhere were racism is part of the root of the tree so to speak.

    To remain bible students is great. To attach oneself to the name of an imperfect man as your guru that is my difficulty.

    Maybe I have misunderstood something.

    Please, fill me in.

    Gracias RR

    You are a patient man.



    P.S. Please also, I know you believe all will live through. Could you show me some scriptures? This is something I have felt in my heart but my mind needs to see. Ty

  • RR
    RR, you mentioned before that you do not accept everything that CTR said and that most Bible Students feel the same. Of course, in the Watchtower you HAVE to accept it all as the "truth". What specifically do you not 100% accept? See if you can be specific,please.

    Um ... as far as doctrine? I don't have a problem with what Russell taught. So any differences I may have may seem so minor, did Adam have a belly button? There are certain issues I have not reconciled in my mind, as Russell may have had several thoughts on a scripture. Sometimes I have reconciled things differently, but that doesn't chip away at the Divine Plan.

    Personally, I find the great pyramid boring, interesting, but nevertheless boring. I have read some of the smaller works, things that just give me the specifics, and I believe there is something to those pile of rock, HOWEVER, I could live without it.

    There are things that Russell taught that were indicative of the times he lived in, today those view are outdated, because times have changed, the application made still stand, but may need to be modified.

    That's all I have to say!


  • RR

    I think its wonderful that you dont have to agree with all of Russels teachings. In that case then why do the bible students attach themselves to the name and teachings of one man instead of just to Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ alone?

    I don't think we have attached ourselved to a man's name. "Bible Student" is a description of what we are and what we do ... study the Bible. It originally started out as a name to advertise as, after all who would know who we were if we simply published under "Christian", after all every Christian denomination consider themselves Christians. Consider what Russell wrote on this matter:

    ""Church of God"; "Church of the Living God"; "Church of Christ." Any of those names would suit us very well, and we would have no objections to them, but we find that there are various denominations who have appropriated those titles, not that we think they have a right to apply them to themselves, but we would like to live in peace. It is a difficult matter to decide, and each class will have to do that for themselves."

    Why have a mentor who obviously was flawed as your spiritual guild? wouldnt each of you just read the bible and decide for yourselves? I do understand you do decide for yourselves in many ways but, why even use his writings anymore? There were other religious people ahead of him in understanding.

    Well, that's just it, he is flawed by YOUR opinion, I don't find him flawed, that man has done more more for heightening my spiritual understanding than anyone I have ever known.

    From what I know he believed the black race (and dark people in general) were under the curse of Ham. The Quakers long before him although pacifists would help black Americans to freedom because they knew this was wrong. God is not partial and Jesus treated all the same. Great that you can not agree with the man on his views but still why would anyone want to be known as one of his followers?

    Then let's all become quakers. Fact is, many, most Christian denominations believed that blacks were of a cursed race. HOWEVER, Br. Russell did not discriminate against blacks, he did not consider them inhuman or "beast".

    I know of many blacks among Bible Students who are descendents of the days of Pastor Russell. He travelled the world and witness to everyone he cold. He visited the leper colonies in india and preached there, in fact he preached so much in india there is a town names after him; Russell-Purim.

    I could send you some articlesz on what Russell's views on the Blacks, you have given me any.

    It is difficult for me no matter how appealing the bible students are to want to be somewhere were racism is part of the root of the tree so to speak.

    I don't know of any Bible Student today who believe Blacks are a cursed race, or inferior.

    To remain bible students is great. To attach oneself to the name of an imperfect man as your guru that is my difficulty.

    Again, I don't know of any Bible Student who go calling themselves "Russellites" or who advertise themselves as such, do you? And if you do can you share, who?

    Maybe I have misunderstood something.

    Me thinks so.

    Gracias RR

    De nada!

    You are a patient man.

    I've been guilty of that!

    P.S. Please also, I know you believe all will live through. Could you show me some scriptures? This is something I have felt in my heart but my mind needs to see.

    That would fall under the subject of JUDGMENT. The JW's believe all who have been or are going to be judged during armagedon are dead forever. Sodom, Gomorrah, Flood victims, those killed by the israelites, those nations destroyed by Jehovah, those marked for death by JW's at the door for refusing their message, etc.

    There is a study on this issue on the Bible Students website, go too:

    Here's an article on The Parable of the Sheep and the Goats and then there is the issue of Jehovah's Witnesses and judgment day

    Hope this helps!




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