Hi' i am a new kid on the block suffering from depression 'being married to a witness for 27yrs.Is there others that would like to share there thoughts or answers? in wisconsin
married to witness and depression
by kls 16 Replies latest watchtower medical
Welcome, kls. And best wishes to a full recovery. Are you still married to a witness? Have you met ugg yet?
hi and welcome to the board......are you a jehovahs witness????????????? what is your status???
i am 49 years old....married 29 years to an elder.....could tell you a horror story....ALL TRUE!!
Welcome kls. I am from wisconsin also.
Hi and welcome.I have friends and family who are married to JW's and it can be hard on them.My friend,after yrs of dealing with it,she just said o.k fine and went on living her life the way she wants.I think she still misses her husband and the way it used to be,but she won't let it bring her down anymore.She is one strong woman,for sure,with everything she has been threw!
Hi kls
I have had depressions and I have been married to Witnesses but I am not sure those two are related. For me, when I had a depression I blamed that on my job and on my wife. It was just a way to deny the reality of the depression and to avoid confronting the depression in a rational way.
Maybe being married to a Witness will cause a depression. For me I think it did not. Now I am shunned by two of my sons, my parents, my brother, all my JW relatives and I am not depressed.
I guess I hope you get some help with the illness from a therapist or a medical doctor. The problem is the problem. What we think is the problem is often not the problem.
Best wishes, gary -
DEAR KIS ,,,,,,,WELCOME TO THE BOARD AND KNOW YOU ARE IN GOOD AND KIND COMPANY...... if you read my biography you will see that i have suffered severe depression and also was married toa man who claimed to be annointed....I also have 5 children.. only one in the trooth.....my baby (16) and yes i have many horror tales to tell,,,, so many that it boggles my mind ,, i do see a therapist and have been so blessed to have the courage to not listen to so--called encouragement from the society... I have suffered with post traumatic stress and depression for years... feel free to email me anytime and i can go into more detail if you wish,, just know that you are not ALONE ANYMORE.....YOU WILL FIND TRUE FRIENDS HERE ,,I HAVE IN A VERY SHORT TIME......KEEP POSTING AND SHALOM.///////
Welcome kls......there are many here that can help you if for nothing else but to listen, lots of good listeners here and lots of good advice.
Golden Girl
I am married to a witness!..I used to be one but left several years ago! Just couldn't fool myself into believing their stories!
It is very hard!. His family are all witnesses ....I always feel like the black sheep when they get together!! Kind of like outside the group! Our grown children are treated the same way by them. I don't know what I would do without the support I get from my kids!.(And this board!)
I was married to a witness as well as being one myself. She and all 3 of her kids have been diagnosed with depression, Bi-polar, anxiety, PTSD, manic depressive, you name it. Although all were in counseling as well as taking meds, the dubs seemed to want to blame it all on me and took it out on me as well, resulting in my disassociation in 2000. With this came the shunning and with the shunning came a divorce.
They all still have the same problems, but I am free of all the nightmares I got from dealing with them as well as the witnesses. Yes, they all are still clinging heavily to the JWs too.
Just tonight, I received a surprise visit form the ex. Along with the usual witnessing she does to me, I also got to hear the sob stories of how the kids are (her kids, not mine) and all the finacial woes thay have since they decided they were better off without me hurting their spirituality. She also let me know that her kids have rethought it and realized that I wasn't such a bad guy afterall. Too bad they didn't realize that when it might have mattered.
I know have a much better woman in my life without all the baggage and one that doesn't want to knuckle under to the Watchtower at their every whim. It would be suicide for me to want to get back with them or return to the Kingdumb Hall.
Lew W