My grandma died

by asortafairytale 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • asortafairytale

    Yesterday morning. She had a heart attack when she was at dialysis. Thank God, she was already at the hospital. She flatlined, and was revived three times. My uncle finally told them to stop after she had been gone for an hour and a half. A horrible, horrible day. I wish I could have seen her in the morning, before she went to dialysis...I wish I could've said good-bye and "i love you" one last time. Today we are going through her house, and sorting things out. I miss her so much already...I have never lost anyone close to me before. I was her favorite grandchild, and we had such a wonderful relationship. She has been sick for the last couple years(severe diabetes, congestive heart failure, just to name a few), so we knew the day would come eventually. It just wasn't supposed to happen so soon.

    I saw her after the doctors removed the tubes and things; after she was gone. I told her thank you, and that I loved her and would miss her. I'm glad she isn't in pain anymore...I just wish I could hear her laugh one more time. I wish I knew what to do.


  • imanaliento

    so sorry to hear of your loss!

    glad to hear you have such wonderful memories of her. take time to grieve, take time to heal.

    hugs ((((((((((((Adrienne)))))))))))))

    from Jackie

    Edited by - imanaliento on 5 January 2003 14:23:25

  • DakotaRed


    My sympathies and condolences to you and the family. What a shock it is when it comes all of sudden like that, but I like to think it wasn't painful for them. My own Dad died similar, all of a sudden, while roofing a house.

    You are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Lew W

  • Cassiline


    I am so sorry you are in pain!! Know my thoughts are with you.

    To help "ease" your pain... which I know seems impossible at this moment in time...

    Jordan's Song

    A vane turns as young leaves begin to rustle,a limb gently bends..
    I remember back to when I was ten
    sitting with my grandpa on the front porch swing
    "Another traveler just past by," he says.
    Then gently, he draws on his blackened hickory pipe
    and leans back with a bit of a smile.
    "Travelers?" I ask.
    "I see nothing but fields and blue skies.
    Grandpa, what do you mean?"
    He tells me to shut my eyes
    and only listen as he softly begins,
    "Some men see only with their eyes and others,
    with their hearts.
    But I was only ten when my grandfather taught me to see within my
    So shut your eyes and open your mind now."
    Feel the wind, how it blows;
    do you ever wonder from where it comes,
    or to where it goes.
    Who starts the wind, and why?
    Some are just a gentle breeze,
    others uproot mighty trees.
    It lifts the birds into the sky
    then, it stops as if to die.
    See the wind against the sky...
    another traveler just past by.
    So, now I see though within my eyes.
    The wind, it blows with each passing of a soul.
    On angels' wings I see the breeze and, I feel the air
    of a travelers' hand gently through my hair.
    "Oh Grandpa, I see, I really do!"
    The wind, it lives.
    It lifts the birds and moves great trees.
    And it even stops
    then, it kisses me and whispers in my ear...
    "Remember me when you feel a breeze,
    a vane that turns, the rustling leaves.
    I'm with you still, I always will."
    ...another travelers just past by.

    Do not stand at my grave and weep I am not there. I do not sleep. I am a thousand winds that blow.
    I am the diamond glints on snow. I am the sunlight on ripened grain.
    I am the gentle autumn rain. When you awaken in the morning's hush
    I am the swift uplifting rush. Of quiet birds in circled flight.
    I am the soft stars that shine at night. Do not stand at my grave and cry;
    I am not there. I did not die.

  • Shakita

    ((((((I'm so sorry Adrienne.))))))

    Grandma's are so special. It sounds like you had a great relationship with her. Hang on to those good memories with her, it will help you get through this tough time.

    Take care.

    Mrs. Shakita

  • Nikita


    I'm so sorry about your loss.


  • Cicatrix


    Just take it one day at a time, honey. One minute at a time if you need to.

    I just lost my favorite Aunt suddenly last month. It has helped me to talk about her with family and friends-to remember the good times and cry about losing her too soon (it is always too soon, isn't it? But it seems worse somehow when death comes suddenly).

    My heartfelt condolences to you and your family.



  • Scarlet

    (((((((((((((Adriene ))))))))))))) I am so sorry to hear about your loss.

  • orangefatcat

    Adrienne so sad to hear of Grandma's passingmy heart is feeling your pain. No one in the world is more important to us then a grandma. Your's sounds so much like mine. She was everything you needed her to be in your life. And nothing like being her favourite. That gives you a warm feeling all over, cause that is the feeling I and my grandma had.

    My grandma was the most wonderful person on the face of the earth she passed away 10 yrs ago and I still miss her very much and everyday I think of her, because there is always something that reminds me of her. A flavor, the scent of lavender, brushing my hair, cooking her recipes, making turkey and stuffing the way she did. Loving and caring for older people the way she did. Making a person feel good about themselves. The way she wore her glasses when she read. The way she was fussed over a booboo, and most of all she loved God not as a JW, thankfully for that. But she made me feel that its possible to love God and when I was a little girl she would pray with me at nigh and read me a bible story. I wish I could tell her that I am no longer a JW, but it is to late because I left the JWs in 1999 and she passed in 1992.

    But I have all these wonderful memories of her in my heart and no one can ever take them away from me.

    So my beloved friend although your pain is so great right now, with the passage of time the pain will lessen and everyday you will know that her spirit lives on with you as you do things the way she did or remember the things that the two of you shared together that was only special to you and her.

    Believe it will get better and you know that you will have times of sorrow, but trust me time heals wounds, but you have no wounds you have wonderful memories that will be cherished for a lifetime and something that you can pass on to your children and theirs childrens children and in that way it becomes a beautiful hertiage that lives on. What better legacy could your dear grandma pass on to her loved ones?

    with love an condolences


    Edited by - orangefatcat on 5 January 2003 14:59:26

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge


    I'm so sorry you have to go through this, I know it's a very painful time for you. I, like others on this board, have been down the same road, losing someone close. Just take it a day at a will eventually get better...for now, just let yourself grieve. Your grandmother knows how much you love her, and I speak in the present tense because I know she has just left her mortal body, but she herself lives on and you will again be reunited with her one day.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you.

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