My friend was counseled for having a bad attitude because he wore white socks w/ his suit.
Whats the dumbest reason youve been counseled?
by avishai 155 Replies latest jw experiences
I was counselled for having a slit in my skirt that came up to the back of my knee. The skirt was almost to my ankles. It was an elder's wife who didn't like it, and she made it quite clear. In front of a bunch of people, she told him it was inappropriate, and sent him over to counsel me.
I was only 13, but I remember standing up to him on it. I asked him if he'd like to try walking around in a skirt that long without a slit. I said I'd be unable to walk if it didn't have a slit to my knees, and that I could see plenty of people in the congregation whose skirts were shorter than where the slit came to on me. He still said he didn't think it was appropriate, and I said it wasn't his place (or his wife's) to tell me that, and that I would continue to wear it. I told him he was out of line in front of about 20 people.
-Having the cartilage on the ear pierced.
Let's turn this into a nice bulleted list, shall we?
- Counselled for reading too much from the Bible during my answers at the Meetings. This is because the Bible is a reference for the Watchtower, and not the other way around.
- Counselled for spending too much time with my computer. *cough*
- Counselled for going to gym every night.
- Counselled for bleaching my hair.
- Counselled for doing exceedingly naughty things with "worldly" girls at house parties. gHod only knows how they found out about that!
- Counselled for being at worldy parties in the first place.
- Counselled for not doing enough Field Service.
It never ended!
I was gonna cut and paste some of the funny posts in the above thread into yours....but whats funny to me might not be funny to i'll just post the link.
- Hair too long
- Hair too short
- Giving my then dub-gf a kiss before going home after service
- Wearing colored shirts to the meeting
- Dating a non-JW
- Not showing up 30 minutes before each meeting
- Not volunteering to mow the lawn
- Not appreciating the fact that I would not be a good guy had it not been for the dubs
- Being alone with a girl
- After doing some RV's our group decided to goof off for the rest of the day, apparently one of the sisters in the cong was sent to follow us one day.
- Wearing a goatee while on vacation
- Swing Dancing
- Buying an expensive car
- Having a sticker on my back window that said "Puerto Rico" (still there)
- Drinking alcohol at home with my parents
Wow... alot more council than I thought I had recieved.
When I was young, I was the one that played the Music for the KingDumb songs, and one Sunday I was feeling very poorly still went to meeting tho, but I decided not to play and let the bros/sis sing without music.
After the meeting this really Jerk of an Elder came up to me and said very angrily, "We don't have any time here for moody musicians"
Not smiling enough during a talk about Armageddon.
Umm I was 18, and dating a girl, they counceled me about this, you know the line for marriage, well I'd already stopped seeing this gal, two weeks earlier. I told them this, and I said is there anything else, they sputtered, I walked out. And never looked back.
Edited by - Trauma_Hound on 6 January 2003 9:51:30
having a moustache when i was 18.