That's priceless. I don't think I could have kept a straight face on that one.
I guess I was lucky. I got counseled on grooming a couple of times and cars once, but they were nice about it. I always managed to mind my own business and not let too many people into my own little inner circle. I guess that kept me out of the spot light.
I remember being counseled on one thing(can't go into detail but it was really stupid) because a nosy sister in the cong. didn't like sumthin I was doing. The elders couldn't find anything written but asked if I would just lay low in this matter. I said sure and they let me go. As I came out of the back room, the sister was chatting with others(this was after a meeting) and she was watching me like a hawk and I could tell that she knew what was going on. I watched her closer from then on and could tell she was just looking for things that anyone did that might seem out of place so she could go running to the elders.