Dubs Just At The Door! (After Two Year Absence!)

by Stephanus 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Blueblades

    AWAKE! Jan.8,2003,page 11.It looks like the person who gave you er placed this mag. didn't read it himself."there is certaintly no reason to boast"," Then they boast,"what we did was not just for us,but for everyone".

    Then they say local ordinances can no longer be used to restrict the evangelizing work of JW's.I thought it was about not restricting anyone from the freedom of a public forum.You know like they restrict the rank and file of the freedom to visit this public forum.


  • Blueblades

    They didn't remove the picture of the flag on page eight "Courtroom Interior".With all the cut and paste they do you wonder why. Blueblades

  • Stephanus

    Speaking of being wrapped in the flag, here's a pic from the same article:

    Bloke on the left is obviously a Dub - probably a Bethelite posing for the shot. Householder is the same in the right-hand shot - the second bloke is obviously also a Bethelite posing. How do you think he felt about wearing a Stars and Stripes tie and a button saying "vote" (whose picture is that on the button, BTW...another Bethelite?). My gut feeling is that with this issue smacking of patriotism and "God bless America", along with the "new light" on swearing oaths in court, we may shortly see some new light on the flag saluting and voting issues. Just a feeling - we'll see how correct it is over the coming years...

    Edited by - Stephanus on 6 January 2003 21:23:15

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    You know Stephanus, you should have asked them to wait a minute, got a hold of your camera and asked if they minded you taking their picture. If they asked why, you could have simply said you would post it here! Wonder what their reaction would have been?

  • Stephanus

    Heh, heh BigTex! Had I been a little more organised, I'd have done exactly that! I did ask my wife if she could see them still walking around our street a little after they'd left - it did cross my mind...

  • Stephanus


    Of course it pisses me off that $(%&ing nutcase JWs who don't even HAVE freedom of speech will be placing selling this magazine.
    It crossed my mind to ask him something like: "Since your organisation is so in favour of freedom of speech, if you felt something said from the platform or written in the Watchtower was Biblically incorrect, could you point this out to your leaders without fear of any consequences?"
  • Stephanus

    Here's the interior of the Supreme Court - yep, the flag's there:

  • StinkyPantz

    Hey what's this new light on swearing oaths?

  • Stephanus
  • Thirdson

    Since JWs won the right for Girl Scouts to sell cookies in Stratton Ohio without the need to obtain a free permit, have JWs exercised their right to knock on doors?

    I wonder how many people in Stratton Ohio have asked to be on the do-not-call list? And also, what reaction do JWs get in Stratton Ohio?

    In Minnesota tele-marketers need to abide by the list of citizens who have registered not to be called via the telephone. Does this affect JWs who engage in telephone witnessesing?


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