Nearly every religion and culture has believed that there is some life after death. I believe that someday we will get back together again. In which way? I don't know. But I know that I do want to believe this. I want this hope to be real. Only time will tell.
Do You Think You'll See Your Dead Loved Ones Again
by minimus 56 Replies latest jw friends
Nope, and that's why I try to enjoy the people I like, love, and care about while they are still here. It's much better that way.
I have never believed that people in the Jehovah's Witness religion believe what they say about the resurrection. If they did, and they also believed the end was near, why do they feel so sad and broken when someone dies. After all, if your mom said "I am leaving for vacation this week and will return in seven days," would you be sad? No, the only time you would feel sadness, would be if you did not fully believe she would return and secretly feared this would be the last time you ever spent together.
I don't know if there is life after death. To me, it doesn't seem important. How we live our life while we have it is what concerns me. I hope that there is life after death, there could be, anything is possible. But, I am not wasting my time worrying about it anymore.
I don't really worry about it but this is what I have come up with I believe in heaven and I believe if you have not done enough to make it to heaven in this lifetime you come back as a human to redeem yourself.
I do believe that there is a heaven that we will go to. I think that what the WTS talks about being paradise on earth is actually heaven.
I have also seen ghosts, and whatever you might think they are, they are certainly not from this world. So, I have seen first hand, that there is something out there that we don't have complete comprehension of yet.
Ultimately, we will have to wait and see, won't we?
With one of my children a long time drug addict, and frequent overdoses and other problems, we daily live with the presence of his death within us. I hope we'll meet again, at the far shore of the ocean, of the Great Divide, and then we'll finally be able to make those long horse riding trips we never had time to make when he grew up, because he, as Neil Young posed the question, "Why are you growing up so fast?" It is nice with all the time you have with your children when they are small, and you plan what you are going to do together when they reach 12-13-14 or so, and they really can start do more "real" things together with you - and then, when they reach that age, you are not important to them any more, they prefer doing other things, or perhaps the things you would do - but together with others. When I look at thatdrug addict, I see the young child beneath the surface, and I long for the day when we can finally have time enough to do the things once planned.
The tragedy of growing old, is that people around you disappear, and so in the end, no-one remembers any more the things you remember, you have nobody with whom to share things. My advice to everyone is, that when a grandfather or a mother or whoever is growing old and is beginning to drift a bit away, and you know that he/she will not be around for that much longer, then buy some wine or beer and give it to them and start the tape recorder and ask them to TELL, to REMEMBER. HISTORY is disappearing with them, FAMILY, SMALL THINGS that matter - please, record it and treasure it. When they are gone, you have nobody to ask any more, nobody to consult, "How did you do that?", "How were those things?", "What were those things like?" - just silence, a Great Divide, nbocy to ask, no knowledge. Record it while is time.
What songs would some of you propose for the funeral of an addict child? I have in my mind arranged the funeral, and songs will be like "Snow blind friend" with John Kay, "Imagine" with Eva Cassidy, "Tears in Heaven" with Eric Clapton, "Giles of the river" with John Kay, "Like a hurricane" with Neil Young, "The needle and the damage done" with Neil Young. Do any of you have any suggestions?
I don't know if there is life after death. To me, it doesn't seem important. How we live our life while we have it is what concerns me. I hope that there is life after death, there could be, anything is possible. But, I am not wasting my time worrying about it anymore.
That's exactly how I feel too. I live in the hear and now, the present, because that is all we have.
Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. And today
is a gift. That's why it's called 'the present'. --Loretta LarocheBlondie
I think I will see my dead loved ones again.
I'd prefer to hope - and if when I die there is nothing - I won't be disappointed, will I? LOL. With the evidence I've seen for life after death, it would be very surprising to me if it was proven that there was no existence after death.
I would love to see my dead loved ones again. I am not sure whether to believe the Bible though. If God is all loving, he would have told us what happens at death. The Bible is too ambiguous concerning this topic. A loving father wouldn't have left it open to so much interpretation - that is not loving - that is very cruel.