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Do You Think You'll See Your Dead Loved Ones Again
by minimus 56 Replies latest jw friends
It was hard for me, too, when I left, to lose that belief of being with dead loved ones again. I would like to hope that we would be able to.
My son died really believing that he would be resurrected in paradise. But, how can you believe the jw way when they lied about so much? How can you believe that God is going to give us life again? If you look at the Bible, he seems to like to kill off people like they are nothing.
I just don't know. It hurts to think about it. I wish I could be brainwashed again, you know?
I know who you feel - a while after leaving I realised that I wouldnt be seeing my grandad again, one of the things I kept telling myself when he diedit feels like loosing a part of them all over again. - I thought about making a post about this a while back but it turned into one of my hit back button nonposts,
Edited by - angharad on 7 January 2003 8:40:24
I no longer believe the WT rendition of resurrection and I will not speculate or make predictions of my own, I'll just wait and see.
Most all beliefs in death, or after death, rely on some type of conformance to rules from various sources. How can anyone rely on interpretations from others without some control involved? The chances of the power by the controller / interpreter being pure and not corrupt like the WT will always be a concern for me.
Blue blades:
Your list was incomplete, IMHO.Atheists believe you die, then you have one eventuality - Annihilation.
Catholics believe you die, then you have three - Purgatory, then Heaven or Hell.Personally I believe in life after death for everyone. I think the NT is fairly clear on the alternatives, but I suppose that's open to interpretation, and at then end of the day it's out of our hands.
I also believe that it's possible to know we are "saved", and so have an idea of our eventuality.
Whilst many here will deride the tale of the Rich man and Lazarus, I don't think Jesus was teaching a lie.Just my 2p.
Hi Ho, I don't think that control is the issue with this one. I'm not referring to Watchtower control. If you believe in God, which I do, then there would be the ultimate issue of God bringing us back to life. How or where this is done, I don't know.
I hope there is some form of communication and contact, whether I can think of it as "heaven or hell" is no matter. I don't believe our spirits die, and I certainly hope that I am right as that thought is the only thing that kept me from killing myself when I lost my beautiful baby girl. I would also like to see my dad, grandmother, and many other friends and relatives. No one can say for sure until their death, and if it gives people peace to hope or believe there is something more, I think that's a great thing.
I`m sure that I will see my ancestors again.
Maybe in that manner the bible promises (a resurrection through a miracle done by God or Jesus Christ)
But maybe in an other way some scientists promises:
In about 500 years mankind will be able to do time-travel both into future or into the past. Those people anno 2 500 will certainly visit our presence; and they are possibly able to take us with in their time-travel-"vehicle" (we do not know the technology at all!) to THAT past where our ancestors were living... Some scientists say that each time-travel into the past OPENS a door to a new universum. So, in this way, one can understand why ALL people ever lived here on earth can have a resurrection without standing on the foot of their neighbors...;-)
The way the watchtower taught us, 99% will come back to life, but the sad part is that 99.9% will not live to see it, because of Armageddon
Thats the dark side of the glorious good news.
Double Edge
Most definately yes. There are people alive today who have already had experiences with those who have passed on. To rephrase and earlier post... I can't control what people believe or don't believe in those types of experiences ... it's only relevant to those who have experienced it.
Edited by - Double Edge on 7 January 2003 14:1:3
I hope so. It would be wonderful to see them.