This whole "reform" nonsense is driving me up the wall.
NOTHING is going to "reform" the WTBTS. NOBODY is going to "reform" the WTBTS.
Crying out loud, be realistic about this. We have a group of men who have at least some faith & belief that what they do is "divinely" approved, and they have 6 million suckers who follow. These are by no means nickle & dime grifters looking for the next oportunity to screw their "fellow brothers" over.
They may not hold extreme ideas as ramming planes in to buildings, sending members to blow themselves up on a street corner or drink gallons of tainted Kool-Aid, but they do hold the same intoxicating perception of: God is on our side and our side only. They share from the same cup.
Once a person(s) is drunk with that, there is nothing that is going to pursuade them to change. They, in their mind, have the ultimate authority to do as they please and never go wrong. Few..and I stress FEW...sober up from this.
There are the cracks, and the most you can do is help (if you feel obligated to) those who slip thru them. But these "dreams" of "reform" are simply that..."dreams and fantasy".
You can throw 1914, U.N. NGO, Pedophilia, Child Custody, Blood, Rape, Political Party Card Scandal snow balls at the brick wall of the WTBTS all day...and they will not "reform" or go "mainstream" ever. EVER. Most you can do is get a few member's attention and see if they are willing to climb down the wall themselves.
Save the "oh yah, but but the government(s) can help..." stop, stop, stop. If any arm twisting came from the government(s), this would only be twisted in to a persecution argument and practice would be continued with underground means. Yes, even if it is about Blood and/or Pedophilia. Remember, these Governing Body people have "Jehovah" on their side? They believe it. They're willing to sacrafice their members lives and themselves to this...regardless what the issue is.
Those who work within, or perhaps those who were kicked out and work against, the WTBTS to make reforms are going to find themselves in the same position as those before them. Talking upon the deaf ears of the Governing Body. They aren't interested in compromise, because in their mind, "Jehovah" doesn't allow compromise.
Face it, "reform" isn't going to happen.