Staying Awake Or Keeping In A Frenzy?

by AlanF 53 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • NameWithheld
    The sad part is that since no human being can convince you of the validity of the Bible as being the word of God, you force him to take action against you and all wicked ones around the earth, and he will.

    The sad part is that since no human being can convince you of the validity of the Koran as being the word of God, you force him to take action against you and all the wicked ones around the earth, and he will.

  • NameWithheld

    Anyone up for a game of Fundingo?

    I already have the "the bible is god's word because it says it's god's word' square filled in!

    Edited by - NameWithheld on 8 January 2003 15:27:9

  • hawkaw

    There was absolutely NO hypocrisy in Alan's statement.

    There were ad hominems, strawmans and non sequiturs in your post though and as RedH. said on another thread's .... "drivel" .... not "dribble".


  • RedhorseWoman
    repeating the same dribble

    Sheesh....spell it right, would you, please? Insane ramblings accompanied by poor spelling.... This is NO way to bring us back to the fold. You have just stumbled me to the point where I could NEVER return. I hope you're happy. Now you are bloodguilty. I will die....AND IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!!!

  • rocketman

    Sword, it would be nice if you could produce some evidence here to back up what you are saying.

    I think Alan F has done a good job of backing up what he believes to be true. If you can refute some of his points, by all means give it a try. Thus far, at least in this thread, I haven't noticed any evidence presented by you.

    I'm not trying to jump into the fray here, just trying to see some objective presentation of evidence.

  • AlanF

    DullSwordOfJah wrote:

    : AlanF you are really insane dude!

    Why thank you! A lot of JWs tell me that. But the fact that most others say quite the opposite is more diagnostic of the minds of JWs than of mine.

    : I asked you if "You were ready?" and then you have the audacity of saying "Yes" when you had previously said that you don't even believe the Bible.

    You have the stupidity to think that only the JWs can say Yes to this question and that your question can only be answered within the narrow confines of JW theology. Taint so, my worm-brained little friend.

    Let me explain why I answered as I did. I have no illusions that you can understand what Im about to say, much less agree with it, so this is mainly for other readers.

    I dont believe in the God of the Bible for a simple reason: He would have to be insane if he really existed. If there is a Supreme Creator, then it seems to me that he cannot be insane. Thus he cannot be connected with the God of the Bible. If this Creator chooses to reveal himself to the world at some future time, then I am ready. I am ready partly because I am not able to do anything about it one way or another, and I humbly accept that. I am ready in the sense that, if he comes ajudging, I will be eager to have a few words with him about a few things. If he claims that the Bible was his Word all along, then Ill ask him why he made it so difficult for sincere, thinking people to believe it, and why he pretended to be insane. If after some discussion he decides to kill me, Ill ask him to tell me why, when Ive tried to live as a good human my entire life, helping others when possible and not doing bad things to anyone, and striking down lunacy when the opportunity arises. Whatever he decides, Im ready. And if he never shows up, Im ready for that, too. Off the soap-box now.

    See how narrow your little worm-brain is? You dont understand a word, do you?

    : Pure hypocrisy there.

    Pure worm-brainness on your part.

    : When I was writing my original post to this thread, I predicted to myself exactly how you would answer and you didn't disappoint.

    Well, youre one up on Watchtower leaders in the prediction department!

    : As I read your past posts, I can see you love repeating the same dribble over and over,

    Its drivel you moron. Have you not heard of repetition for emphasis? Besides, newbies come here all the time and need exposure to the truth. Its good for them.

    : then you pat yourself in the back saying "no one can refute me".

    Thats due to long experience with JW apologists. Your lack of answers here is yet another demonstration.

    : You are not a humble person and your own posts in the past demonstrates that

    Translation: You wont humbly accept our JW bullpucky just because we say so.

    : so you will never accept anything a JW says

    Oh, I would! They just have to offer a decent argument.

    : not even if Jesus himself came down and explained it to you.

    Jesus is not a JW, you moron. But if Jesus came down and wanted to talk to me, I would certainly listen. I would ask him the same things I would ask of the Supreme Creator.

    : I know you don't care what I say or anyone else,

    Sure I do! Why do you think I bother to respond to your posts? Even braindead morons deserve a chance to reform.

    : you are full of yourself to worry about anything else.

    I just love these typical JW ad hominems.

    : The sad part is that since no human being can convince you of the validity of the Bible as being the word of God,

    It has nothing to do with humans aside from myself. God could do it, though. He just has to give it the old college try. He might try answering prayers, too.

    : you force him to take action against you and all wicked ones around the earth, and he will.

    Oops. Youve got that judge hat on again. Dont you know that scripture that says, God is the judge? Even Jesus didnt start judging before his time.

    : I would quote the Bible, but you know it all. :(

    I know a lot more of the Bible than you do. As a JW you use about 0.05% of it, often in the form of out-of-context prooftexts. Matthew 24:4-7 is a good example. You havent got the spiritual sense to offer even a single attempt at a scriptural argument.

    But we on this forum know that already. Youre exactly like most of the JWs who stumble on the site. Its amazing how a cult manages to produce such uniformly unthinking morons.


  • openminded

    I resolutely believe that it makes perfect sense for a dub to have bipolar tendencies. Consider these polarities...then factor in the unfathomable exposure to repetition a dub is subjected to:







    New Personality-Old Personality


    10 commandments-7deadly sins


    the list goes on.

    All of these have extreme differentiations as you cross the grey area. This is why I live my life to extremes:


    Broke-Have Money


    Lofty ideals-throwing in the towel.

    What a disease!--om

  • waiting

    hey openminded,

    Can also be called black/white thinking? As in "obey." Not how much of anything.....just do it. In the first Batman movie, at the beginning was a neat quote (which I'm going to butcher by paraphrasing it) ---

    "Jehovah has Satan,

    Sherlock Holmes has ... (I forget),

    Batman has the Joker."

    Welcome Back Alan --- always a pleasure to read your critiques.

    Readers will no doubt have picked up on a major change in the Society's traditional focus on a "composite sign" here. Rather than dealing with testable, observable claims and events such as their old claim that "earthquakes are 20 times worse today than before 1914", they've made claims that are essentially immune from disproof.

    That's because no one can prove or disprove anything about fulfillment of "Bible prophecy" in our day, or absolutely disprove a doctrine as flaky as their notions of a "remnant" or "faithful and discreet slave".

    These are entirely religious interpretations that are simply not addressable with hard facts. This is an extremely clever ploy, since Watchtower writers are well aware that their testable claims have all been disproved.

    So much for the six "lines of evidence". - alan f (paragraphs & bold added)

    The point: "No one can prove or disprove anything about fulfillment of Bible prophecy or absolutely disporve a doctrine as flaky as their notions of a "remnant" or "faithful and discreet slave."

    Why?: "These are entirely religious interpretations that are simply not addressable with hard facts."

    The Outcome: "Extremely clever ploy" by the Watchtower writers.

    So you are desperately using your time on this forum and maybe your life in destroying peoples faith in the words of Christ. -sword of jah

    To equate a critique of the WT's writings to "words of Christ" is typical of JW's. An allusion usually saved for equating the WT to Jehovah God.

    Thanks Alan.


    Edited by - waiting on 8 January 2003 17:30:40

    Edited by - waiting on 8 January 2003 17:31:38

  • simwitness

    AlanF (and contributers)...

    Many thanks for this thread.

    It helps to remind me how "devilishly tricky" the WT (and most other "religions") are when it comes thier teachings.

    It also helps me remember that simple reason is all that is really required when dealing with them.

    Waiting -

    Sherlock had Moriarty.

  • cyberguy

    Thanks Alan for "Keeping on the Watch!"

    Sixth, the number of genuine anointed disciples of Christ is dwindling, though some will evidently still be on earth when the great tribulation begins. Most of the remnant are quite elderly...

    This last "line of evidence" was evidently presented to fill the void left when the "generation-from-1914" doctrine was dropped. None of the other prophetic claims can stress the need for "urgency" as this one can. Because even if someone believes we're living in the "last days," without being able to determine the duration of this period, now through some "anointed-generation-not-dying-out-until-the-end" teaching, any "line of evidence" becomes almost meaningless!

    Interestingly, they admitted that only the number of "genuine" anointed follows is going down! Why do you suppose they had to say it that way? Could it be that the actual, printed number in JW-Yearbooks was going up or staying relatively steady for many years? Also, don't they believe that the majority of partakers are "genuine?" Evidently not!

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