Bumping this up it's a good thread and a blast from the past.
Staying Awake Or Keeping In A Frenzy?
by AlanF 53 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I dont believe in the God of the Bible for a simple reason: He would have to be insane if he really existed. If there is a Supreme Creator, then it seems to me that he cannot be insane. Thus he cannot be connected with the God of the Bible. If this Creator chooses to reveal himself to the world at some future time, then I am ready. I am ready partly because I am not able to do anything about it one way or another, and I humbly accept that. I am ready in the sense that, if he comes ajudging, I will be eager to have a few words with him about a few things. If he claims that the Bible was his Word all along, then Ill ask him why he made it so difficult for sincere, thinking people to believe it, and why he pretended to be insane. If after some discussion he decides to kill me, Ill ask him to tell me why, when Ive tried to live as a good human my entire life, helping others when possible and not doing bad things to anyone, and striking down lunacy when the opportunity arises. Whatever he decides, Im ready. And if he never shows up, Im ready for that, too.
I've said this to many a former Dub "friend", almost verbatim!!!
Thanks AlanF.
u/d(of the "God" needs some new PR people class)
I wish Alan F would return in this centennial year to give us his take on the current events in lalaland. One of my siblings still is a true believer. I would like to send a zinger their way. They are at the International Assmbly in Seattle as we speak.
Hey! The resurrection is real! You just woke up an ancient thread!