? for ANY Lurker/JW

by JT 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • JT

    While you may not agree with our view of the Society, will you at least address this one issue>

    as we all know Words have meaning and when used in the right way can be very Powerful- yet if used in the wrong way they lose all of thier meaning.

    here is my question -- for over 130yrs the Guys in the Writing and Service Dept starting with Russell right down to today with Gene Smalley, Sam Buck, John Wischuk and all the rest of the boys Up at Patterson have used the following words over and over and over

    1. Very Shortly

    2. Very Soon

    to draw attention to Armgeddon coming Shortly or Soon.

    Do you think that by telling JW esp those who have been around for 20-40yrs that Soon and Shorty it will all be wraped up sooon and you will be sitting uder your fig tree has actually done more harm than good

    by building up folks hope in what you must admit didn't turn our to be soon or shortly after all

    now you can say well jah has given man more time- cool - but would it not have been better to not build up such hope only to face more disappointment i mean the bible does say that expectations hope for that don't turn out are making the heart sick

    and i will tell you before i stepped down as an elder i saw alot of bro whose heart were being made very sick- all the things that they had put off and now yrs later they could have done those things and still "Served" jah- school , buying homes, spending more quality time with thier families, etc

    just wanted to know do you think that the Writing Dept has over Played their "SOON" AND "SHORTLY" HAND

    just my 2


  • stephenw20


    "Do you think that by telling JW esp those who have been around for 20-40yrs that Soon and Shorty it will all be wraped up sooon and you will be sitting uder your fig tree has actually done more harm than good"

    When you live for tomorrow ..today is never any good, and you waste your energy and life on something that may happen or might happen rather than LIVING in the PRESENT time and ENJOYING each breath , each smile, each ice cream cone, each coors lite, each slow dance, each homerun in the 7th game of the world series.

    AS HUMANS we were not meant to WAIT in vain....we are meant to learn........otherwise just cryogenisize yourself and have your self thawed in 30 years..... cause your not living any way . if every word you have is WHEN" the new system gets here".... it may be only words but this affects thougth and beleifs and sooner or later you decide your PRESENT LIFE IS NO GOOD.... which is simply ridiculous... its why we are here, to live and learn..........

    those fellas up there that write this stuff need to get out more and put some mud in there hands to see we are still on earth not mars!>


  • crossroads

    I believe the writers who have been direct by spirit[please
    add the spirit that fits your belief at present] have used
    those words the correct amount of times[although they
    will use them a few more times]. For it aides my writings
    of soon and shortly. VERY SOON the once and mighty tower
    will crumble and fall into the east river. SHORTLY there after
    I will throw a large party. Want to come?

  • JT


    When you live for tomorrow ..today is never any good, and you waste your energy and life on something that may happen or might happen rather than LIVING in the PRESENT time and ENJOYING each breath , each smile, each ice cream cone, each coors lite, each slow dance, each homerun in the 7th game of the world series

    YOU MAde an excellent point

  • JT

    Want to come?


    where is the party send directions


  • RipVanWinkle


    I think you make an interesting point. I've thought about that and I do say that false expectations were raised regarding "the few remaining months" before armageddon in 1975 (per KM). I can remember my Dad sitting by the radio with keen anticipation during the early days of WWII thinking that this was a prelude to the Big T, so the hype was not new by any means.

    I am also reminded of Bible writers, who I believe wrote under inspiration, say such things as "The revelation by Jesus Christ.....to show his slaves the things that must SHORTLY take place. . . and who observe the things written in it for the appointed time is NEAR." Revelation 1: 1-3 also 22:20 "He that bears witness of thse things says: 'yes I am coming quickly'".

    "Young children it is the LAST HOUR" (1 John 2:18)

    The scriptures point to the kind of people we need to be. Which includes how we treat others in/out of the org. How we work on the fruits of the spirit etc. etc. I believe that should be foremost. Service will follow if we become more Christlike and our personalities will attract people to join us.

    I feel that we need balance. We need to live our lives in anticipation of preparedness for Jehovah's timetable yet I believe he intends for us to look out for ourselves/loved ones/others in the best possible way. For every day that passes the good I can do passes with it. Jehovah gets to know what kind of people we are from the heart by what we do daily.

    I do not believe the some should superimpose THEIR consciences or beliefs upon others. The Bible rule, "do not go beyond what is written" if applied, would mean that no one should say, "don't go to University, don't do extracurricular activities, no office gatherings, no ballgames. life insurance? thats a joke - don't you know you'll never get old in this system, Marriage? Children? Plenty of time for that in the new order" etc. etc.

    Personally, I too was caught up in the excitement of the moment and made decisions that if I had to do over again would be different. Hindsight is 20/20. However, as I look back, I feel I could have
    done much worse - however others may not be able to say as much.

    So to sum up, the "soon" doesn't bother me, but the idea of translating that "soon" to make "cookie cutter" controlled christians out of us and when someone says "jump" don't ask why, when, what for - just say "How High?" now this is another subject.

    What I miss is the feeling of brotherhood. I've had so many people bring this up so I know I'm not alone.

    I hope I haven't rambled on too much.

    Just my 2 + 2


  • teejay


    have they used "soon" and "shortly" too much?

    maybe. but if so, they are only playing follow the
    leader. check this out...

    A revelation by Jesus Christ, which God gave him, to
    show his slaves the things that must shortly take place.

    ----- Rev. 1:1

    and that was, what, 2000 YEARS ago! i guess "shortly"
    can mean a lot of things.

    peace, bro.

  • Flowerpetal

    Hi RVW. I hear you bro!

    I know about people who have postponed things such as surgery because of the "soon" thing. Some don't see the need to buy life insurance. Hopefully that will change. There is an elder in my area who sells life insurance and is trying to educate some of the witnesses to buy it, if they don't have it already, at least out of consideration for their families. Some still tell him they don't see the need in it. I hope they will come to the realization that it is a necessity.

  • RipVanWinkle


    We laughed a brother out of the Kingdom Hall in 1972 for trying to sell term life insurance.


  • crossroads

    I thought I would have the party in NY-NY
    But on second thought I think I'll have it across
    the river at Stephen's. He already has the coors-lite
    I just need to bring the Captain and coke along with
    party hats. Trust me there will be a lot of"dancing in the
    NOW REV:1-3 look again at what is said ; then go to
    REV chapter seven-the 144000. A remnent is not spoken
    of here. It is all of the group. These people are alive because
    the angel says hold on there I have to mark these so they
    don't get destroyed. So the great day passes over them.
    Thus all the apostles[except John] were dead by now
    along with Stephen and many many other first century
    discples.Yet the 144,000 won't be sealed for a short time
    yet. So is Paul, James, Peter , and the rest part of the
    144,000. I think not but and a big but at that they were
    annointed. Just my 2 cents it is what is written isn't it.

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