While you may not agree with our view of the Society, will you at least address this one issue>
as we all know Words have meaning and when used in the right way can be very Powerful- yet if used in the wrong way they lose all of thier meaning.
here is my question -- for over 130yrs the Guys in the Writing and Service Dept starting with Russell right down to today with Gene Smalley, Sam Buck, John Wischuk and all the rest of the boys Up at Patterson have used the following words over and over and over
1. Very Shortly
2. Very Soon
to draw attention to Armgeddon coming Shortly or Soon.
Do you think that by telling JW esp those who have been around for 20-40yrs that Soon and Shorty it will all be wraped up sooon and you will be sitting uder your fig tree has actually done more harm than good
by building up folks hope in what you must admit didn't turn our to be soon or shortly after all
now you can say well jah has given man more time- cool - but would it not have been better to not build up such hope only to face more disappointment i mean the bible does say that expectations hope for that don't turn out are making the heart sick
and i will tell you before i stepped down as an elder i saw alot of bro whose heart were being made very sick- all the things that they had put off and now yrs later they could have done those things and still "Served" jah- school , buying homes, spending more quality time with thier families, etc
just wanted to know do you think that the Writing Dept has over Played their "SOON" AND "SHORTLY" HAND
just my 2