Rip says
I do not believe the some should superimpose THEIR consciences or beliefs upon others. The Bible rule, "do not go beyond what is written" if applied, would mean that no one should say, "don't go to University, don't do extracurricular activities, no office gatherings, no ballgames. life insurance? thats a joke - don't you know you'll never get old in this system, Marriage? Children? Plenty of time for that in the new order" etc. etc
thank you for your honesty and i agree completly with you- i find it so sad that many jw will not even admit what you have about the Org. instead they close thier ears
i would like to welcome you to this site - i fully realize that you come here at great risk- but it is your desire to know more is why you are here
i truly encourage you to visit as many sites as you can esp the ones that don't have debate forums , but are strictly INFORMATION on the org - in the context of the claim "We are the ONLY ones who can speak for God himself"
you will find looking back over the paper trail of the writing dept to be very interesting- so don't get caught up in name calling but stick to issues and you will find that your knowledge will grow and you will know what direction you need to go in-
i would never tell anyone to leave the org- but i would tell everyone to have an open mind and examine for yourself the things that the Service dept and writing dept tells you not to- much like your being here.
there are many of us with vast knowledge of the INNER WORKINGS of the org who can provide info that the avg publisher would never have access to.
quick question have you had the chance to examine any of Ray Franz's books?
just my 2 and welcome again
feel free to email me anytime