My JW Wife Is Going To See Harry Potter Tonight!

by SpannerintheWorks 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • SpannerintheWorks

    I thought JWs were discouraged from subjects such as witchcraft, wizardry, magic etc.

    I've not asked yet, but I wonder why she feels it's all right to go and see a "demon" picture!

    And her dad (Elder) has read all the HP books! (Apparently!)

    Anybody got any info. to show them that the WBTS says they should "shun" Harry Potter?

    Or is this, in fact, OK in JW-yuh-land?


    Edited by - SpannerintheWorks on 8 January 2003 3:49:39

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    My wife and I saw this just a couple of weeks ago. It's not my type of movie, but I could see that it was well done. However, what I really enjoyed about the experience was the freedom to watch anything I wanted without fear of guilt or regret. I could look at this story and choose to like, or dislike it on its own merits and my own tastes without fear of what others might think of me. Even though I didn't care for the movie, it was a rather enjoyable movie for me.

  • cruzanheart

    "The Mummy" and "The Mummy Returns" were my coming-out movies! Guilty pleasures, both. Harry Potter was well done but I agree with Big Tex (good thing, since we're married!) that it's not my kind of movie, though it did remind me a little bit of "Young Sherlock Holmes" made, lo, these many years ago.


  • peacefulpete

    Rarely does the Wt condemn movies by name. Although it has. And although it is true that some circuits are more liberal than others (British Columbia for example) generally any movie, show or book featuring witchcraft or ghosts etc. is strongly discouraged as an invitation for demons to trouble you and your family. A little usolicited advice, I hope you think twice before throwing this at her. If she is going, she likely is already uncomfortable about it and if you remind her of her training she is likely to stay home and feel like a martyr. Her final unreasonablness may be worse than the former. Sometimes it is best to quietly let people test the waters on their own and draw their own conclusions about what is acceptable. Besides noone likes to be shown to be a hypocrite.

  • Texas Apostate
    Texas Apostate

    I saw something about this topic in one of the "clean and free of apostates" boards. It was a pretty hot topic. Some were saying that you can't see it, while others were saying it is up to your conscience. Someone even metioned that some elder even arranged a 'Lord of the Rings viewing party". Now I don't know about what is "approved viewing" now, but I know that if I even suggested to see a movie like that growing up, I would have gotten a big lecture on "Satan's world of entertainment".

    Man, I still trying to catch up on the movies I wasn't aloud to view during the 80's.

  • Scully


    Why don't you go with her?? It's a bit scary in parts and it might be nice for you to be there to hold her hand. Even if she ends up hating it, she'll appreciate that you were supportive of her little trip into an open mind.

    Love, Scully

  • Englishman

    Don't know what all the fuss is about. Harry is just an ordinary run-of-the-mill English kid, isn't he?


  • SpannerintheWorks

    Thanks, everybody!

    Well, she's gone now to watch it.

    I don't mind.

    I suppose if she really likes the movie, it may make her think a little...about how ridiculous the

    WBTS's "interpretations" are?

    Who knows?

    But I'm not holding my breath!


  • Shakita

    Hi Spanner:

    I read to my daughter every night. We just finished a couple of nights ago reading "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets." I must tell you, I really enjoyed this book! My daughter saw the movie with my daughter in law, and they both liked it. It definitely has alot of stuff in it that JW's would not approve of! Come back and tell us what your wife thought of it.

    Mrs. Shakita

  • Celia

    Did your wife see the first movie ? Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone.... She's going to see the second one I presume : Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. I just love Harry Potter She should read the books.... there is so much more in the books than can be shown in a two hours movie. I am reading the 4 first books for the 6th time... Rowling did a great job. I can't wait for the 5th book to come out, hopefully soon....

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