Court seizes over one million Jehovah's Witnesses brochures brought into Russia
by StarTrekAngel 52 Replies latest watchtower bible
Huh, the angels must be out of practice. The Yearbooks used to be full of stories of authorities suddenly going "blind" and letting JW literature be smuggled through. -
Court seizes over one million Jehovah's Witnesses brochures brought into Russia
Lucky Russian population. Now if only we could see some footage of them dumping over some cult carts... -
rip van winkle
What a shame!
Years ago that paper had some value; the Russians could have used it for toilet paper...
😒 Now it's not even worth a sh*t.
🐸🌼🌝 -
Village Idiot
No matter how much I despise the Watchtower I am a firm believer in religious and non-religious rights. Whether it be Mormonism, Scientology or whatever they have a right to print and distribute their crap. -
No matter how much I despise the Watchtower I am a firm believer in religious and non-religious rights. Whether it be Mormonism, Scientology or whatever they have a right to print and distribute their crap.
What if it's declared extremist?
Russia Bans Official Website of Jehovah’s Witnesses
Seven months after the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation declared to be extremist, Russian authorities banned the official website of Jehovah’s Witnesses. The ban became effective on July 21, 2015, when the Russian Federation Ministry of Justice added to the Federal List of Extremist Materials. Internet providers throughout Russia have blocked access to the website, and it is now a criminal offense to promote it from within the country. Russia is the only country in the world to ban -
In 2002, partly in response to the events of 9/11, Russia implemented anti-extremist laws – laws which are written so vaguely that they can be broadly interpreted. In 2013, non-profit organizations that receive foreign donations and engage in "political activity" were required to register as foreign agents, which is a strongly pejorative Cold War term.
In 2014 Russia made the anti-extremist law more strict, and as a follow-up to the Foreign Agents Bill, on May 23, 2015, Putin passed the Undesirable Organizations Bill into law citing "National Security". The bill bans non-governmental organizations that it deems undesirable as a "threat to the constitutional order and defense capability, or the security of the Russian state."
Vlad considers himself the protector of all things Russian, and he appears intent on keeping anything that doesn’t support that cultural view either suppressed, out of the country or removed from it. The Dubs fit into this category, along with a lot of others.
The ironic thing is that the Dubs are a threat to internal security based on its destruction of families, blood issue and discouraging education to name a few. Maybe we should send Vlad an email like we did Angus Stewart.
Village Idiot
GodZoo: "What if it's declared extremist?"
Such declarations will be subjectively interpreted to mean anything.
I personally think Russia has the heart in the right place (when it comes to the JWs in this case) except that their execution does nothing to protect the Russian people from this form of "extremism". It only drives it further. I understand what they mean to do, is just not the right plan of action.