Welcome to the Board Uzzah .... and hello undisfellowshipped - you do great work on this db.
As I said in another post the CBC is promoting the show themselves. The CBC has asked that we up hear in Canada only tell our friends and families and use dbs like this to promote the show.
I personally want to tell all my reporter buddies about this but I don't want to step on toes and make people at CBC angry. Thus, I have given Linda all of my reporters names who did stories for us during Vicki's trial as well as other important USA reporters I know for her use. I will also tell you this ... most of those major media sites you posted, I have a personal contact at each .. usually the assignment editor or editor ... and they are very familar with me and what is going on thanks to the Boer case.
According to Linda, the CBC does not want it appear that they are taking sides. Thus, if a press release is issued on the show by say .. Silentlambs Inc. or Friends of Silentlambs of the North or some other group or by me personally ... urging reporters to watch the show, the CBC would feel that they are giving the appearance of taking sides on the issue by allowing others to promote the show.
I also think that CBC has been given a lot of information that no one else has. So no doubt, the 5th Estate would like to keep its material from other reporters until it is presented or for them to present the material in their way to reporters they trust.
It is a delicate balance as I want every person in Canada to be well aware that a paedophile could be knocking on their door. But I personally am abiding by Linda's wishes for the simple fact that I have been at this since with CBC since May 28, 2002 and I don't need to upset the apple cart at the last second.
But I also realize it is a free country and you are now learning what freedom is all about since you have awoken from the grips of the Borg.
As a humble moderator on this board I can easily swipe away your post if I think it could cause a lot of harm. But, that is not my style and instead of me editing or deleting your post, undisfellowshipped, I think it is more important that you have the "freedom" to critically think about the issue, weigh the information I have given you and determine if people from around the world should contact other Canadian press on this or not.
You might also want to keep in mind this too ... a number of people with the help of legal counsel have done a few things up here to get the "right" audience to watch (and I can't thank all of you enough). A lot of work has gone into it. It might be wise, undisfellowshipped, that during your course of critically thinking about this issue ... to ... say ... contact maybe .... Scully .... or another Canadian contact by Email and get a handle on just what is going on up here.