A have a couple of questions pertaining to the WTBTS and "Bible Students" from 1914-1919 and onward that I would appreciate receiving your feedback on:
1. Does anyone know how many "Bible Students" (Jehovah's Witnesses) there were in 1919? I know that WTBTS keeps such meticulous records of their "flock" now, but I have no access to material that covers that time period.
I ask this because my wife (still a JW but finally starting to think for herself - after a lot of time and patient conversations with me!!) has been reading a lot about this date in her current study from the Isaiah book. The parallel is constantly made between Israel's release from Babylon's captivity and the release of the 8 WTBTS directors from prison in the USA. She has a problem with this parallel (and so do I of course) first of all because Israel's captivity was 70yrs, and the 8 men from Brooklyn were only in "captivity" for 9 months! And secondly, because of the references to the "small band" of Christians that supposedly then went "full ahead" with the preaching work from 1919 on!!!
Which leads to the second question...
2. Does anyone have any idea when the WTBTS led "Bible Students" became a functioning "religion" and not just a publishing company. I know they officially became "Jehovah's Witnesses" circa 1935 but that's not what I'm after. My sense from reading some of Russell's earlier writings is that they originally did not feel the need to establish man-made "buildings" of worship or formal congregations, but later this obviously changed. This is important to my wife (and myself) because the impression in the WTS publications is that from 1919 onward the "organization" was full steam ahead and basically functioning in the same manner as today.
Any comments or information about the membership numbers and formal worship during this time period (1914-1930) would be appreciated.
Thanks for your assistance.