I enjoyed reading all the responses myself. I hope that your wife continues her search for the truth regarding 'the truth'.
The history of this incidious religion called Jehovah's Witnesses is a very revealing study in the origin and developement of a cult. What started out to be the musing of a wealthy habadasher in the late 1800's, developed into a mega publishing corporation, with undertones of fanatical religious dogma. All in the name of praising God, this religion has left a legacy of tears, blood, suicides, and families forever damaged.
It is well worth the invested time to search out it origins, for they reveal very clearly that the wtbs is nothing more than a man-made, man inspired, effort at explaining the unexplainable. I guess every religion ever invented has aspired to provide answers, yet the history and track record of them all, proves the futility of placing trust in any group or organization that lays claim to the 'truth'.
Really had a chuckel about your statement:
***What a bizarre requirement when you think about it - keeping a written record of the time you spend talking about God!!! Maybe God hands these report slips in to Satan every month to prove that there are people on earth "vindicating his name"! ***
Happy searching.