After leaving chat last night, I was in bed snuggled next to thunderrider thinking
One of the group had been doing blurbs of Kingdom songs, I DON'T remember any songs, or any scriptures or hardly any names of the books, I don't remember quotes from the stage or comments made by others. I don't know if it is so painful that I block it all out or what. When I was growing up before the dub's I could still quote chapter and verse now I struggle with just the basic jest of the Bible.
Have any of you ever felt this way? I feel like over 16 years of my life is mostly a fog, some things come through strong but thinking of the conventions all I can remember is vague images.
Maybe this is a good thing I don't know but I wanted to see what you all thought. I was so suprised last night when I saw the blurbs of songs being quoted and KNOWING I should know that song. I can remember lyrics to songs I've heard once 25 years ago. I have a great memory for music......errrr
<of the hmmm did that really happen class>