Today i went to the assembly,i kinda wanted to go just to find some cute guys to talk to lol,and to get away from the house,i had second thoughts,and i knew every time i fool around these people i get hurt,i should have followed my intuition(i think thats how u spell it ,hehe)...i wish i Never would have went,everyone in my congregation ignored me,my supposely friends acted like i was invisable and just passed me by like they couldnt see me,and one of them had the nerve to ask me if i wanted to go eat out after the assembly!!!errr yeah right after being shunned the whole lunch break,nope,,i cried the whole time. i cant believe some people can be so unloving and mean,and i wish they could find out how much that hurts people.......*sigh*hmm i just wanted to vent,,,sorryyy.. laura
I am a Big Ball of Tears
by Shytears 14 Replies latest watchtower medical
((((((((((((((((Laura)))))))))))))))) I know this doesn't help much, but just try to remember that it's the org, that's making them do this. I'm sure deep down inside, they really wanted to hang around you.
I'm sorry they did this to you, there's no excuse for ignoring people like that.
((Shytears)) - Disfellowshipping is such an evil thing to do to people - I'm sorry you had to experience that. This too shall pass, although it seems hard. Concentrate on developing positive relationships with people not of the Borg - that would help alot.
(((((( Laura ))))))
*Hugs* to you. I'm sorry you had to endure such treatment from those who preach, "you should love your brothers and sisters".
((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( shytears ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
((((((((((shytears)))))))))))) They suck
Shytears... i thought you said they didn't DF you???
I'm sorry for the way they are treating you... it's so wrong.
Just remember what the "fruits of the spirit" are... and then think about how many JWs really have the fruitages of the spirit.... How can they call themselves "spiritual" people if they don't show love, joy, peace, long suffering, kindness, goodness, faith, and self-control IN ABUNDANCE??
Sending lots of hugs your way...
Love, Scully
Hello, I dont respond to most posts like this, but I just had to chime in here. I feel horrible for you, I know what you are feeling right now. Just try and use this pain you are feeling for your benefit. Jesus said that you will know his disciples by the love that they have among themselves. Was it Christ like love that was shown to you??????? Only you know. Act accordingly. Geddy.
So sorry to hear all of that.