I have been DA'd for almost 20 years from a congregation in WA I was 18 at the time. I wanted to leave but the elders would not let me drift away because I knew to many people who were JW's, They told me to either come to every meeting for a month, or they would DA me, so I missed the next meeting and they anounced that I was DA'd. The sad thing is that no JW ever knew what happened they all thought that I DA'd myself even my sister, But OH WELL!!!! I moved to AR to get away from them, and now 20 years later the elders here in AR called and wanted a meeting with me and I thought Why not? So I went to the Kingdom Hall last week and 2 of the elders jumped me for talking to a woman at work and not letting her know that I was DA'd. I told them that it was none of thier business what I did or didn't do with my life. They proceeded to ask me it I smoked cigarettes, and I asked them if they knew that being a glutten was a SIN. They asked me to leave the Hall so I did. They anounced last sunday from the Hall that I was DA'd, where I lived and worked and to stay away from me. After 20 years, moving to a new state they still won't leave you alone, SAD!!! They only have control over you if you let them. Sense then I have seen several witnesses and I always say hi to them just to make them feel uneasy, If they want to shun me I am not going to make it easy on them, I can play there game better than they can. When I was DA'd at 18 they ruined my life for about a year, they are not going to do it again.
They never give up!!!!
by enjoy 13 Replies latest jw friends
and I asked them if they knew that being a glutten was a SIN.
LMAO from that I gather they were fat slobs...LOL...did they answer?
However your first mistake was, you went to their Home Ground, you always make then come to you, or tell them NO deal dudes....lol
After 20 years, just let it go...they're not worth it...bunch of Hippo Hypocrites...lol
By the way welcome to the forum.
Some of those guys in ARK are not too bright, perhaps inbreeding. U are so nice to have even showed up to the KH-u certainly did not have to do that and to have them tell u to get out-boy , those guys are on some power trip. I hope this does not cause problems for u at work. a long time ago, i was DF and there were JW were i worked . They spread it around i had been "kicked out of my church" and i actually was let go, i believe as a direct result. The people i worked for were appaled that a person was kicked out of a church and thought i must be really evil. don't let these apes give u trouble. u soudn pretty confident , i wish i xould have seen the look on their faces when u asked about glutonney. What business is it of theris if u smoke? Do they think they rule the world? it's not like u are attending the meeting.
they probably violated your rights of privacy by annoucing where u work. If u have money-i might pay a visit ot local atty. and have him draft a letter telling them to cesse and desist.
this is probalby the biggest thing that has happen to them in a long time-wow and apostate in their territory!!
Thanks Gizmo,
I have been reading this site for almost a year now and I finally decided to join and post, the reason I went to them, I was courious I guess. I wanted to see what they wanted and I never turn down a good challenge, I use to walk away from life, but now I hit it head on. Yes they were over-weight and they did not answer me they just asked me to leave. They must have seen that I was not one of there little followers..... NO WAY....
LOL.... good for you! Perhaps they will know better than to mess with you again!
Funny how elders dont like to be called upon by their "underlings" for their wrong doing. Even if its something as simple as over eating.
Welcome to the forum!
I guess it's clear to see with these elders, that 'their God is their belly!'...lol
This scripture was used at the last assembly which I ever attended....they were referring to the many ones who no longer attended......ha ha ha ha!
You have to remember also, some of these elders really don't have a life, the highlight of their week is probably having to 'deal' with some poor 'spiritually weak' person. lol
If they want to shun me I am not going to make it easy on them, I can play there game better than they can.
.....don't they know it!!
Been there
Welcome to the board Enjoy!
I didn't know that DAing was like a sex offender, you have to register every where you go? I don't go around at work telling everyone I'm DF'd (I do work with a couple JW's). They were just WRONG!! I was unaware you had to have it announced everywhere you went? What a JOKE. If you are disassociated WHO CARES IF YOU SMOKE! They won't stop til they can disfellowship you. WHAT EVER.
i wish i could say i am surprized,,,,but,,,i am not...yes,,,it is beyond sad...hope it does not affect your job....and...welcome to the board...it is a nice place to vent and have fun....
I must ask- 20 years later you are living across the country?? How would they know about you? It has only been a decade or so since I am out and I grew up only 100 miles from here and no one knows where I am- even though my mom is still an active JW whom I associate with. I have even run into JWs and had business dealings with some and religious discussions with some. I never let them know that I was once a JW. Havent been approached by an elder yet wanting to meet. Of course I do not and will not and have no reason to meet with them.
Signed "confused"= I left, glad of it, never have any 2nd doubts and care not to go back or discuss going back and question "WHY" would people that left ever care to meet with the elders?????