Hi Iron Eagle,
Others have answered your main questions, but I'm wondering about something. You wrote:
: I guess It all started for me one night a couple of years back when I got home from a meeting and I went online . I started reading about the UNITED NATIONS scandal ...
: ... In time , I answered all 65 questions satisfactory to me , and reinforced my beliefs in the doctrinal structure of JW's.
: A few months went by and I had a suden surge of Kingdom activity. I remember going to an assembly and coming back really upbeat and resolute that I would do anything for Jehovah , as 'Satan had tested me but Jehovah made me see the light'.
: I became so confident that this was where I belonged , here In Jehovahs only true organization on earth. ... In the summer leading up to 9/11 , everything seemed to be going well.
Are you sure you remember this timeline right?