With all the talking about visiting inactive ones, I wonder how many inactive people have not been visited yet? If you weren't visited yet, could it be because they DF'd you, and you don't know about it?
Did they overlook you?
by JH 23 Replies latest jw friends
My boyfriend got two JW's at his door - an MS and someone else....I was there. Funny tho, he told them to go away because he was watching the footie. I haven't had a call yet, but there is a certain elder who tends to invite me to the memorial so he might show up closer to then.
They definately ALWAYS overlook my sister. She left and NOONE cared. I guess it helped her realise the religion was false.
I'm definately not DF because my family who still attend woulda told me.
Same here Sirona - I left a little after Simon and no one cared. I was never asked about my feelings about anything - all they cared about was df'ing or da'ing Simon (eventually Da'd him). It was like I didnt exist. So I'm not really expecting a visit.
I've not heard anything about them da'ing me .
Edited by - angharad on 13 January 2003 7:34:33
It was like I didnt exist. So I'm not really expecting a visit.
An interesting observation and one that can be repeated time and time again. I know of some "overlooked" spouses who ended up DA themselves out of angst at being overlooked for so long.
At least it enabled them to see the truth about "The Troof".
Cheers, Ozzie
I haven't been contacted. I did not DA nor will I. Maybe I am DF and don't know it. They didn't care then and I have no reason to believe they do now. And neither do I.
Edited by - moreisbetter on 13 January 2003 8:14:3
I'm still waiting. I see an Elder in the street about once a week but no call.
So far I've been harassed by two sisters but no elders have shown up. I'm probably not worth the effort, which is fine!
No one has contacted me yet. I really think it is unlikely.
Nah - don't think I'll ever hear from them again - I never was worth saving.
I have the impression that in the minds of some elders, not all are worth saving, like said pretygrudger.
The elders received the mandate to find inactive ones, and ask them if they want to come back. But I am not sure if they really want everybody back.
Some they want because, of their past productivity.
But others less productive, I'm not so sure.
Will they insist on finding people that are hard to reach, or will they give it one try only?
Edited by - jh on 13 January 2003 11:40:7