my dad died

by termite 35 70 Replies latest jw friends

  • imanaliento

    just want to send you the comfort of a hug

    (((((((((((((((( TERMITE )))))))))))))))))

  • Seven

    Termite, You have my deepest sympathy.

  • TR

    Hugs to you and family, termite.


  • termite 35
    termite 35

    by the time i'd replied to mulan and out you'd all piled in; love you all.

    You're all so kind- i really appreciate your thoughts and prayers - This stops my head swimming with the useless what-if's that consume me today.My dad was only 68- and an athlete-very strong - it seems unbelieveable - I spoke to some of his friends on the phone today- it's lovely to hear things you did'nt know about your last day with him on mon. was good and i'm grateful for that. he seemed a little happier than lately.i'm desperate for that 'one last word' - when I believed in the paradise earth I thought i'd get it.

  • Xena

    I am very sorry to hear about your loss. It is difficult when someone dies so don't really have time to grieve till after all the arrangements are over and done...I am really really sorry...

  • borgfree

    Very sorry for your loss termite.

    i'm feeling scared about viewing his body, but I know i'll have to and I feel guilty for feeling like that

    I wonder if it is so necessary to view the body. I chose not to see my bro-in-laws body recently (I know that is a lot different than a parent) I wanted to remember him the way I had last seen him.

    My thoughts are with you in your sorrow.


  • mouthy

    termite 35 ((((hugs))) I am so sorry for you & yours- but just know he now has the promise- no pain not tears no suffering.Of course you will suffer for quite awhile- But cry all you can!I dont remember your beliefs???? -But I firmly believe this is not all there is. we walk through the valley as I have said so many times before -But Your Dad ( I Believe) is on the mountain.....He must have gone quickly & folks say that is "a kiss of the LORD". Praying that you will receive the courage & strength your needing to arrange all that is needed. Blessings

  • ISP

    Thats the worst of news, termite.

    Hope it gets better for you.



  • Navigator


    I am so sorry about your loss. However, you can take solace in that he went quickly and did not suffer a long lingering terminal illness. I would like to go like that even though it is a bit hard on those left behind. You can be certain that he survived the experience and is now dealing with a new experience without the limiting human concepts of body. He may come to you in your dreams since you didn't get a chance to say goodbye.

  • Buster

    Sorry to read of your loss. Know that our thoughts are with you.

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