Well it doesn't sound to me like you've lost your head about it. The fact remains though: He can be your friend without spending money on you. If he really understands that, he'll see that if you don't go it doesn't mean anything, he can just be himself and just be a friend to you. Its pretty simple really, if you're enjoying someone's company it doesn't matter what you do together does it? You could just talk and hang out.
To go or not to go..that is the ?
by noidea 15 Replies latest jw friends
The telling statement in all this is that he said that even if the Titans don't go, that he proposes that you two STILL go. That tells me that he wants to travel with you out of town to have you all to himself and to see what might develop. His interest is certainly not football.
I personally think you could have a nice no-overnight date right in your town, keep your exposure and risk to a minimum, and still see if you want to take any further steps toward a relationship with him.
There is just something that doesn't ring true with what he's telling you. So why stick your neck out so far when obviously you've got questions about all this yourself?
He wants to take an awfully big bite awfully fast with you. And from your picture you're a very attractive lady. Why be treated like this? Make him behave like a gentleman, right there in your own town.
Thanks for the advice..I guess I just needed a sounding board. I didn't have anytime to think about this when he asked and I will have to give my answer soon. I'm sure he will understand that I can't. I am way too independent to let someone pay my way like that. I'm sure it will be a shock to him. Maybe next year. *damn I really wanted to go
Im sure your attitude will be refreshing to him!
Im glad you had some place to come and think this through.
{{{{{Hugs}}}}} and more virtual flowers to our beautiful noidea!!
one for Francois who gives such wonderful advice....
if he'll buy my ticket.......I'd be willing to chaperone the event for ya Noi
ROFLMAO @ Ring..I'll pass the suggestion along.