John Aquila - My mom told me today that a couple of sisters she hangs out with told her the other day that Jehovah’s spirit has left me and I’m as good as dead.
WTF is wrong with those people? Seriously, how can they tell a mom something like that? Somehow the Borg manages to not only remove the mind of the people, but their hearts too. That turned my stomach. So did the story you told. Come to think of it, there isn't much about them that doesn't, but I'm still somehow surprised at the cruelty of the people that follow the religion.
And I know it is tough, but you're much more as a human being than a person that spent so much time as JW. Sure, you never got to help out children like you mentioned, but you're helping people here through a problem that affects people that don't often have an advocate. Your posts have helped me. I'm sure that even as JW you helped others just because you're a sensitive and thoughtful guy to be more human and less artificial like the majority of the Borg. Who you are underneath the ego, underneath the JW indoctrination over those years, would have shined through and impacted others. It seems from your stories that you've come in contact with a lot of people. I'm sure you made an impact, even if it wasn't in one specific way that you would have felt was a better use of your time. We can all question what we've done with our years. Everyone does at the end, even the guy helping kids with deformed faces. He probably has something out there that he never got to try.